Cookies and Cuddles

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Norway's POV
Iceland has ignored me all day. All day. On the outside no one sees that it hurts me a bit on the inside. It doesn't really make me sad, just upset. Kinda like I'm balancing on the edge of sadness.

Even though I'm balancing, I can't help but wonder what I could've done to make him ignore me. I couldn't have hurt him in any way, could I? I never said anything that would make him upset. He could just be moody today, right? Wait...he's always moody anyway. What else could I have done? Unless he hates me or something.

As soon as I that thought popped into my head I started to lose my balance on the line. Now I was truly upset. Usally, when I'm upset I keep it to myself, maybe cuddle with Denmark to help get my mind off it. Yeah thats right, the stupid Dane is my boyfriend. But anyway, as of now, I am past that upset. My only ways to vent when I am this kind of upset is A. Cuddling with Den, and B. Eating all the cookies in the house. Since Den wasn't home from grocery shopping, my only other option was to eat all the cookies I could find.

I found two boxes in the kitchen, three scattered around the house and ten from my secret cookie stash. Once I gathered all the boxes in the living room, I ate cookie after cookie, box after box until I ran out of cookies. When that happened I got up, searching for more cookies.

I was up in my room, looking for any left over cookies when the front door opened. "I'M BACK GUYS!" A loud yell that belonged to my goofy boyfriend was heard from downstairs. I perked up and walked quickly downstairs, eyeing the blonds head in the kitchen.

Denmark's POV
I was putting away the groceries I had just brought home when I heard soft footsteps behind me. I knew it was Norway, but I didn't expect what happened next. He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, nuzzling his face into my back. I paused from what I was doing, turning aroud to face Nor. "What's wrong Nor?" I asked, wrapping my arms around the smaller man infront of me.

"Mmmn." He replied. By Mmmn he really means 'cuddles first' or 'I'll talk about it later'. "Ok, but first I have to finish putting the groceries away." I told him, gently trying to pry his arms off me so I could move. But instead of him letting go he tightened his grip around me.


"Nor, I can't finish the groceries with you hanging on me like this."


He tightened his grip again.

"Nor. You have to let me go."

He had a death grip on me now, not letting up an inch. I sighed.

"Nor, please?"


"Do I have to carry you?"

He nodded into my chest.

"Ok then."

I picked him up holding him as if he was a toddler, except not placing him in my hip, completly facing me. He wrapped his arms around my neck, burieing (i am so confused as to how to spell that and i know its spelled wrong but i cant figure it out!) his head in the crook of my neck. I used one arm to hold him up and the other to put away the groceries. Let's just say I had to stop every now and then to adjust my grip so Nor wouldn't fall, well he probably wouldn't fall considering he tightened his grip around my neck and waist every time I did that.

I walked over to the couch, sitting down before saying, "I'm done now Nor, are you gonna tell me what happened so I know why you're upset?" He turned his head just a bit to speak to me. "Ice." He said sadly, returning his head to the crook of my neck.

Oh. That makes a lot of sense. Even though to most it seems like Norway doesn't truly love anybody, mostly because his face is emotionless. But what they don't know is that he does love us all, even if it doesn't seem like it. He loves Iceland as much as me, except ina brotherly way. Icey doesn't know, but Nor tries really hard to be a good brother. The problem is he's not very good at expressing his feelings; there are signs, but you have to listen for the to tiniest change in his voice, or the smallest difference in how he acts. Nor tries to spend time with Ice and show him he cares, but Ice brushes him off like a bug. Then, he never realizes that it makes Nor sad.

"What did he do this time?" I asked calmly. Nor shifted again to speak. "Ignored me." He put his head back where it was. "He probably wanted to be alone today and stay to him self." I replied back to the man clinging on to me. He sighed then pulled away far enough to look up at me. "Den? Do you think he hates me?" He asked his eyes pleading that I would say he didn't "Nor, you know he doesn't hate you! He loves you, even though it doesn't seem like it." I reassured him, holding him close to me. "B-but every time I try to spend time with him he just blows me off." He mumbled into my shirt. "Well, he's growing up now and just thinks that you might try and baby him or embarrass him if he does all these things with you, so he's trying to show you that he doesn't need you watching over him every minute of his life." I explained to Nor, hoping he would understand.

"I know, but I just want to spend time with him." He said quietly."But, y'know you're still his big brother to him, and he loves you, so you should let him have time to do things on his own." I suggested to him. He pulled away from me and looked into my bright blue eyes with his blue-violet ones. "Ok, I'll let him do things on his own." He said hesitantly. I smiled and brushed some of his pale blond bangs out of his face, giving him a quick kiss on the lips before hugging him back into me.

He sighed in contentment, breathing in the smell of the body wash I use. (Hopes that didnt sound creepy) We stayed like this for awhile until Nor looked up at me and said, "Thank you Den." I looked back down at him. "You're welcome Nor." I replied lovingly before kissing him again.

The rest of the day was spent kissing and cuddling on the couch.

DenNor!!! Yay! This is one of my fav hetalia ships, so it was fun writing this. If you wanna see something in this book just request it! Also sorry if you think that its been to long since ive done a few happy/funny ones instead of the comfort ones!
Kaia out

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