Chapter 7 - Oh, For Some Quiet

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Oh my God, I am so pumped!

The music had stopped and I was stage front, taking my bows, electrified by both the song and the audience's reaction. Heart racing, breathing hard as if I'd run a marathon, the deafening applause rolled over me like thunder. 

A movement to my left caught my eye as I looked out over the crowd; turning my head slightly I gasped, not believing my eyes. Walking down the aisle towards the stage, clapping enthusiastically and accompanied by a burly security guard, was Ben. I caught his eye just as those in the front rows recognised him and the cheering rose to a whole new volume of loudness, rolling in waves as word spread and more and more people became aware of his presence. He came to a halt in front of me, still clapping and smiling like a loon; I laughed, blew him a kiss and signalled to him to come up on stage. Luckily the guard saw the signal and showed him the way; next thing he was beside me, hugging me tight and saying something in my ear I didn't catch. He looked positively edible in black jeans, the feminist tee and black leather jacket, his hair in neat short waves, and I couldn't wait to get him alone somewhere – but first, a wild thought was taking hold in my brain.

Removing the microphone from the stand, I signalled to the audience for quiet.

"What are you going to do? I should leave," Ben said as we waited for silence.

"You're not going anywhere," I told him, taking his hand and holding on tight.

"Cara, what are you up to?" he asked, sounding slightly suspicious now. He knows me so well.

"I told you I was going to sing a duet with you one day, Benedict."

"Oh, no." He tried to pull away but I had his hand too firmly gripped in mine. "Darling..."

But by now the crowd had resumed their seats and a hush had fallen over the theatre. I brought the mic to my mouth. "Thank you, you've been such an incredible audience. I guess you can see I've got a surprise visitor here," a huge cheer went up, "and I promised him long ago that we'd sing a duet together some day." Another roar of approval as well as more than a few feminine squeals. I turned to Ben, laughing, knowing he couldn't get out of it now. "What do you say Ben? You're here on stage, the audience are somewhat keen, and we have a band right behind us ready to play."

His face told me he would get me for this later, but I just laughed again, knowing it would be totally worth it. Giving a little groan, he nodded then growled into the mic, "It doesn't seem like you've given me much choice." But he grinned with it, especially when the audience laughed along with us. They applauded in anticipation as I quickly consulted with Rick and Marcus, picking an Elvis song as it suited Ben's baritone and I was sure he knew the words, then was back beside him to whisper the title into his ear as the band started the intro.

Well, bless my soul

What's wrong with me?

I'm itching like a man on a fuzzy tree

My friends say I'm actin' wild as a bug

I'm in love

I'm all shook up

Mm mm oh, oh, yeah, yeah

Well, my hands are shaky and my knees are weak

I can't seem to stand on my own two feet

Who do you thank when you have such luck?

I'm in love

I'm all shook up

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