Chapter 25 - Just in Case

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Rick pounced as soon as I entered the lobby. "Did you see any paparazzi?" I shook my head. "Good. Still, we need to keep a close eye. I suggest the first thing you do when you reach your room is to call Benedict and tell him Jake's here."

"What? Why?" He gave me a wry look and I grunted, acknowledging his point. "Yes, okay. Full disclosure." Remembering Jake's parting words, I felt uneasy and told Rick what he'd said.

"Shit." He ran a hand over his bare head. "Okay, I wouldn't advise telling that to your husband thousands of miles away in England."

"Well, duh," I snorted. I may be kooky but I'm not an idiot.

"What the hell were you thinking going out alone in public with him anyway? You could have woken me and I'd have come with you."

"I didn't go with him, he just showed up; it's hardly my fault. Jeez, Rick, I..."

Rick stopped walking and grabbed my arm. "What do you mean he just showed up?"

"We didn't go together; I was at the café and he appeared."

"Is that so?" Eyes squinting in thought, another hand ran over his scalp. For some reason he reminded me of the yellow peanut M&M – maybe I was still hungry. "Well, that' did he know where you were?"

The question hadn't occurred to me. "I just assumed he'd come across me by chance – you know, that he was out for coffee as well."

"And just happened to go to the exact same spot you did?"

"It's a popular tourist area, Rick, it's not like I was in a back alleyway or anything."

"Yeah; I'm sure it was just a coincidence." Then why didn't he sound convinced?

He left me at my room door and I went in, throwing my purse and Jake's sunnies on the desk and bringing up Ben's name on my phone. I wasn't looking forward to making this call; it would be awkward at the best of times, let alone when we had tension between us all ready.

He answered after only two rings. "Hello."

"Hi. Do you have a minute? I need to tell you something." Good start. This will be okay after all.

"Hold on, let me just..." I heard a door closing softly. "Okay."

Deep breath, Cara. Here goes. "Jake's here." Oh God.

"Here, as in...?"

"He's working for Josh, part of his band. Since October, apparently...I mean, he certainly wasn't in June when Josh and I recorded...well, I would have told you if...anyway, he wasn't then, but he is now, which is what I'm calling to tell you. Obviously." Smooth, real smooth. Great to see I haven't lost my touch.

Ten seconds of silence felt like fifty. "Did you know he'd be there before you left?"

"No, I only found out last night. He looks different; I didn't recognise him."

There was more silence, the uncomfortable kind. Finally, "I see. And you're telling me now because...?"

"Because...there's a possibility...Rick seems to think...just in case there were was only coffee – well, and cake – really good cake - at a café...nothing bad...I mean, what's wrong with friends having coffee?"

All this heavy silence wasn't good for my heart, which was pounding thunderously in my chest. The noise of blood rushing through my veins was so loud in my ears I thought for a minute it had begun to rain. In my room.

"Nothing at all."


"There's nothing at all wrong with two friends having coffee together. That's all that's happened, isn't it?"

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