Chapter 22 - Sing for your Supper

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Author's Note: the song I've 'borrowed' for Cara to sing at the Royal Variety Performance is actually by Death Cab for Cutie. The video included below is a cover by Daniela Andrade, who has an exquisite voice and also manages to look a little like a younger version of Cara!

"Maybe this bit goes here...and then this one snaps into, that's not it." I looked at Lizzie, sucking cheerfully on her fingers in her bouncinette. "Help me out here, sweetie – we girls have to stick together. Shall I try this piece over here?" She squealed, kicking her legs madly, so I took that as a yes. "Dammit, that doesn't work either." I looked at the new stroller in exasperation. "It looked so easy when the guy did it in the shop, didn't it Lizzie?"

"Cara?" Ben called from the lounge. "Do you need a hand?"

"No, I'm fine," I called back, lying through my teeth but determined not to give in and look like a helpless female. Hell, it had seemed straightforward when the salesman was demonstrating how to assemble and disassemble the latest model double stroller. "There can't possibly be many combinations I haven't tried, can there love?" I asked my almost-five-month old daughter; she gave me a grin and dribbled down her front, which I automatically wiped with the tissue I always had with me. "All right, let's try one more time. This goes over here, then this piece comes down here and...oh crap!" I was almost ready to kick the damn thing. "Tell you what, Lizzie, why don't we just take the pram instead? We'll tell Daddy you prefer it to the stroller..."

"He won't believe you," a deep voice offered from the doorway behind me – a very amused deep voice.

I jumped and whirled around. "Don't sneak up on me like that, Burglarbrunch, you nearly gave me a heart attack!"

He threw me a lazy grin while Alex waggled arms and legs around in an apparent show of male solidarity. "Sweetheart, are you having trouble with the new stroller?"

"No ... Yes." His grin widened and I put my hands on my hips. "Well, why do they have to make it so darned complicated? Seriously, it's like trying to play a guitar with one hand tied behind your back – isn't it Lizzie? Back me up here." She just drooled again. I wiped.

Alex was given into my care while Ben surveyed the offending vehicle – then, much to my chagrin, had it assembled and locked in place in less than a minute. I huffed. Loudly. "I must have had it partly put together for you," I said, adding, "You know, like loosening the lid on a jar."

Ben merely lifted an eyebrow at me as he took Alex and sat him in the stroller, doing up the harness, then lifted Lizzie out of the bouncinette and did the same. Once finished he turned to me with a smile, putting his arms around me and lowering his head for a very satisfactory kiss. "You," he said, adding more kisses in between words, "are the most ... adorable ... creature ... on the planet." This time my huff was ... well, more of a hum, really.

"You're not so bad yourself, Cumberbum." I moved my hands to fondle said bum.

"Don't grope my bum in front of our children," he admonished me laughingly.

"Why not?" I asked. "It's not the first time. Besides, they're going to have to get used to it – I don't plan on stopping any time soon."

His low growl against my neck sent tingles along my entire skeleton and I wondered briefly if the twins were tired enough to take a nap any time soon ... like, right about now.

"We have to go," Ben murmured against my ear, creating more tingles. "Nonna and the others are waiting for us." Damn, I'd forgotten we were meeting with my family in the park. "Raincheck?" he said, smiling into my eyes; dreamily, I agreed, sighing as I took charge of the stroller while Ben carried the baby bag.

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