A Blind Love: Part 2

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Two weeks passed and Starflight still hasn't awoken. Fatespeaker never left his side. Clay, Sunny, Tsunami, and Peril visited almost everyday. Glory couldn't visit as often because of Queenly duties. Fatespeaker rarely ate and slept. She wanted to be there when, if, he woke up. A talon moved. Fatespeaker shot he head up as Starflight opened his eyes. She shrieked and Glory crashed down into the rainwing hospital. Glory saw then flapped away immediately. Fatespeaker gave Starflight a hug and he wrapped his wing around her.

"I'm so happy your ok." Fatespeaker said into his neck.

"I'm glad to be back and have you in my arms. You look beautiful in the light of the sunrise." Fatespeaker pulled back and registered what he said. He said I looked beautiful. Starflight was grinning ear to ear.

"You can see!" She barreled into him.

"And the first thing I get to see is your beautiful face again." Fatespeaker pulled back and looked into his eyes. Just then everyone came in and when they realized he could see they celebrated. A party that lasted two whole days at the Dragonet Academy. Fatespeaker never left Starflight's side ever again.

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