New Tag

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So I'm going to start a new tag. Don't know why. Just felt like it. XD. Anyways...

10 Peeves! Is what it's called. Basically where you give ten pet peeves and explain why you have them.

So to start it off I will start:

1. When someone walks slow. Like WTF!? Are you a freaking snail!?

2. When teachers yell at you for no reason. Do I have to explain this one.

3. Only girls will understand this, but when you happen to be in a bad mood, the first thing people think is are you on your period. Like no. You just piss me off.

4. When I ask for someone's opinion and they say 'Its up to you.' Like I asked for your opinion. So give me it.

5. Bugs. Any bug in general disturb me.

6. Putting on mascara or eye liner and you stab your eye. Like of course I want to go blind today.

7. When I don't see something a someone asks rudely if I'm blind. Like yes bitch I actually am.

8. Glitchpad. No explanation.

9. When every commercial has to do with the election. I know it's happening. You don't have to remind me that America is going down in hell.

10. Loud high pitch noises. No I don't want to be deaf so STFU!

I tag everyone who reads this.
Love you!

-May The Wind Be In Your Wings

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