I was Tagged

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Ok this is my first so yay? I don't know how to act but let's just get this started!

1. I draw only when I'm in the mood.

2. My favorite dragon element is fire or ice.

3. I LOVE dragons.

4. My favorite animal is a dragon... duh.

5. I love the outdoors. Especially forests where I can climb trees.

6. Wings Of Fire is my second favorite series. Sorry but The Selection Series is my #1 fav.

7. I love to sing.

8. My hobbies are climbing trees, reading, writing, and singing.

9. I only stay up late on weekends.

10. I guess I like owls. Snow owls are pretty cool.

11. I am absolutely scared of spiders. Snakes I'm ok with.

12. No I do not like to sleep in.

13. My favorite season is winter.

I tag:

Ok so whoever I just tagged you must tag thirteen people and answer these thirteen questions. (If you could, tag me as an extra. I want to see everybody's answers.) Okay here are the thirteen questions.

1. What is your favorite character in Wings Of Fire?

2. What's your favorite ship from Wings Of Fire, or any other series?

3. What's your favorite season?

4. What tribe is your favorite from Wings Of Fire?

5. Do you like to sing?

6. What are your hobbies (can only be three)?

7. What's your favorite animal?

8. Do you like reading or writing better?

9. Describe your personality.

10. Do you have siblings?

11. What's your favorite color?

12. Who do you ship. Moonbli or Winterwatcher?

13. Do you eat meat?

Extra: If anyone (both tagged or not) can guess my favorite color and comment below, I will let them choose my next chapter for this book. They can choose characters, plot and setting for the next chapter. So guess away!

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