Chapter 4

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From a sunny day to a rainy day, the clouds are dark grey, the wind is blowing strong, and it started raining harder. Y/n and Jack kept running hoping to reach their destination. Both were completely soaking wet, they kept running and running. Passing nothing but trees and some houses until she stopped and looked at a house. Her house, it was quite nice compared from the rest of the small neighborhood. Everything looked perfect actually. Too perfect. Jack was bothered a little by how perfect it was. In the mean time y/n was searching in her bag for her keys.

"Shit.." Jack heard y/n mumble. She kept searching and found nothing. She dropped everything from her bag to the ground, papers getting scattered that they are getting wet by the hard rain. "Having trouble y/n?" looking at the mess she made. "Umm..well I don't have my keys. Either I lost them back at campus or lost them in the forest." Y/n started getting frustrated for being irresponsible with important things like this. She sighed in frustration.

Jack's Pov

"Well since you don't have them, why don't we find another way to get in. Hey it doesn't have any alarms that can be triggered huh?" I said as I was looking around for cameras or any devices around.

"In all honesty no it doesn't haha." Y/n gave an awkward smile.

"Okay good. Wouldn't want the cops to be here." I whispered. Perfect no alarms, no cameras, just a simple normal house to choose. My my y/n you should be really careful from now on. I suddenly got distracted when I heard her talk "Okay well it's all good we'll just head towards the back of the house I know I left a spare key hidden somewhere."

"Oh Y/n you are just making things easier huh?" What?" "WHAT??"Oh fuck those words slipped out of my damn mouth. SHIT SHIT SHIT. "Lol you are so mysterious you know that Jack" I couldn't reply because of earlier oh god. I just nodded and we started heading towards the back. Why am I feeling this way over a girl I don't even know. Besides I'm a killer, a monster. I'm not human at all..or am I? Fuck I don't know. Anyway, I eyed y/n looking at the grill fiddling for the spare key which is smart because you never know when you lose one. She finally found it and we walked back to the front. She opened the door and stood by the door welcoming me in her living room. Her living room is very well maintained, an L shaped couch with a fuzzy blanket right by it, huge TV with a surround system, everything is decorated...damn she's something. I kept looking around and looked at her desk. It was quite messy, covered with a bunch of papers most of them were drawings and work from her school. But something caught my attention the most. It was a picture on the desk of her and her family. They looked so happy before, "Wow such a beauty..." I hate to admit but I don't know why I feel so different when I'm with her. Like she makes me feel whole again, like a human and not a monster. *HAHAHA oh No Jack You ARE a Monster you aren't human. Nobody likes the way you look, why bother blending in or trying because either way in the end they will see who you truly are! You're a killer, a cannibal, a psychopath, haha why would a girl like that fall for you. * "FUCK Leave me the fuck alone!" My mind kept repeating those words over and over again. *Fucking hell you don't know shit about me You can't control me anymore..* I grinned wanting to laugh out loud but I couldn't I had to stay quiet. *So you think I can't..Okay very well*

Y/n's Pov

"Well it sure is a good day to draw" I breathe in, closed my eyes and relaxed. Brainstorming what I was going to draw...I had nothing. "Oh well I guess another day on the computer then, man I was really hoping to draw." I glanced at Jack and man seeing him smile made me feel safe. *I don't even know him..why would I feel safe or okay being with him especially alone..* I shrugged at the sight of him looking around my home. Closing the door behind me, I took my shoes off and went to the kitchen to grab some drinks since we have been walking and running a long way to here. I got to the living room and plopped myself to the couch. Jack on the other hand was just sitting on the desk chair looking at me, I put my drink down and toss him one he manages to catch it. "Huh nice catch." "Yeah thanks. " Although once more from there was an awkward silence. "So Jack, care to tell me more about yourself." I laid to my side looking at his direction and waiting for his response. He stood quiet just looking around he was leaning on the chair and messing with his hair. "Well? I'm waiting." "Well what do you want to know?" Finally a reply.

Jack was something, he was like a puzzle, trying to figure out how to solve it. "Anything, it doesn't matter just some things like what do you like etc." I reply. Jack got stiff, like he was struggling to say it or even tell. He kept fiddling with his thumbs rapidly like as if he was getting impatient. "I-" he says. "I like to look at the moon and stars at night."

Jack's Pov

I feel so stupid for saying that oh my god, I like lowkey want to smack my forehead from the stupidity that came out of my mouth. "That's nice, I like looking at the sky at night too." Y/n said resting her head on the pillow looking straight at me. I was surprised that she does. Does that mean she had a horrible past too?

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