Chapter 8

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*Someone? She has somebody? Somebody claimed her before?* I'm shocked from the  words that came out of her mouth. I mean I know humans now and then have relationships and all but her? Damn such a shame a pretty girl like her is claimed.

"So you have a boyfriend?" Jesus Christ that was the most basic question to ever ask.

"Ah no, not anymore I dated this guy for 2 years, and those 2 years were the most miserable years of my life.." her expression changed very quickly. I almost felt pity for her.
I backed up and sat next to her. Strange how I sense her more relaxed than tensed up.

"How come it was 'miserable' for you?" 


"Well..where do I begin. I basically gave my heart out to someone who never appreciated me and used me to maintain he also cheated on me many times. " I wrapped myself with the blanket since the temperature in the room dropped. I didn't care at this point that this guy is in my room, my feelings were about to burst out remembering the past.

I glanced at him, it's so creepy of him having that mask. Especially those eyes and that black goo coming out of them . Now that I mention it what does he want.

"So what do you want from me." He straighten up and faced me. Not a single sound came from the room as it is completely silent. It took a moment for him to respond as he got up from the bed and walked over to the sliding doors. 

"I just wanted to see you, you seemed special in my eyes. I'll see you later though." as those words came out of his mouth, he waved goodbye, got out from the doors and jumped off the fence. Hence the thought that I live almost uphill so that part of the fence in nothing but woods and a small yet dangerous cliff. I quickly ran to check on him to see if he made it. He's so stupid for doing that, looking out I saw him run out in the distance. I shook my head seeing this silly boy making a move like that.

"NEXT TIME USE THE FRONT SIDE DUMBASS!!!!" I yelled out loud enough for him to give me a thumbs up as he vanished into the woods.  


Y/n sighs walking back to her room closing the doors behind her and locking it. Her mind was processing what just happened as she looked around the room, a mess everywhere. "Man...I just cleaned that room last night too." 

Time was ticking as y/n was cleaning the mess in the room from what happened earlier. Blasting to f/s (favorite song), she picked up the broken glass from the vase  only to get a small cut in her palm. "Crap.." she whispered out putting the glass in the bag and continued to do so. Picking up the papers and fixing the desk, she came across a drawing she drew of her mom. Memories brought her back to where her mother was around. 


"Hey ma look what I drew!!" you ran up to her showing the paper of your mother sketched in crayons. She stopped washing the dishes and turned around to see the masterpiece that you've created. 

"What did you draw for me this time?" 

She grabbed the paper from your hands and gasped in awe. You were always a girl with a big imagination and even though you weren't good at it you still did your very best when it came to drawing.

"Wow sweetheart that is so amazing! It looks just like me, tell you what can you go get your father while I put the drawing on the fridge." You nodded and ran to find your dad as your mom was putting up the drawing. 


Realization hit me when I notice a wet stain on the drawing. I was crying, crying at the fact that I will never get to see my mother. To hear her voice, her angelic and sweet voice...her smile, her laugh, even her warm loving hugs every time I was afraid or sad. I miss her very much. 

W h y?  W h y  d i d  y o u  h a v e  t o  l e a v e  m e   a l o n e , a l o n e  i n  t h i s  c r u e l  w o r l d ?

You're A Pain In The AssNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ