Chapter 7

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Intruder's POV

"EAT THIS BITCH!!" I looked at what appears to be that she threw a vase at my direction only to have failed and landed on the wall. I slightly chuckled just enough for her to hear it. 

"What's so funny you sick bastard??" I grinned under my mask seeing her act tough. 

"You sure do have bad aiming, I thought you were better than that." 

"OH I SEE, WELL LET'S TRY THAT AGAIN SHALL WE?" Seeing her stand up she grabbed the knife from her dresser. I'm amazed that this girl is willing to fight me on. Usually victims from the past beg for mercy, scream, hide, pretty much do anything to have their lives spared. 

"Shit I'd LOVE to see you try." getting into position, I patiently waited for her to strike. Her posture was somewhat wobbly making me laugh, she doesn't stand a chance. Quickly she dashed towards me, knife in hand ready to strike. *Huh even wobbly she managed to keep herself balanced* Calmly I step to the side and put my foot out for her to trip, luckily she fell for it and hit face first on the wall. "You bitch you think this is funny huh?!" "There you go girl you got it! Keep it up!" *Insert sarcasm here* She was getting irritated but what my instincts failed to process is that she managed to kick me on the side hitting the dresser knocking off everything that was there. "Yeah not so tough now huh!? What's with that mask anyway??" she walked over to me and tried to take my mask off, making me quickly react just enough for me to grab her wrist. I held her wrist harder making her cry out in pain, I felt even stronger and manage to throw her to bed and pin her. 

Y/n's POV

I was in pain, my left wrist hurt like hell when he pressed it harder. The difference was that he was more tranquil until I tried to grab a hold of that mask of his. Now my problem right now is that he pinned me on the bed. I kept my cool showing no emotion other than pain, but on the inside I'm terrified of what he might do to me, because obviously I am unable to fight back, I don't know who he is and uh you know lol I'm on the bed. "Don't. You. Ever. Do That Again, You hear me??", He growled at me like who does that, that wasn't important though. What was important was getting myself out of this situation. 

                              PLAN A: Try to seduce him and then hit him til' he knocks out.

"Oh my, isn't it hot in here?" I say with a seductive voice hoping he falls for it. "What?" "Do you mind taking my shirt off? I'm starting to sweat down there, wouldn't want to ruin my favorite shirt..." I trailed off looking at my shirt. No response came from him as he was stiff from what I have said. I felt so weird saying that but if it's to make it out alive I have to try my best. "What are you talking about y/n it's cold in here...Wait...are you...trying to...?" Damn it he caught up, man I fucked up I really did. "Well shit..." He let go of my wrists yet he still sat on me. "Spill it out." He knew. I guess trying to fake it didn't work for this man. "Honestly I was trying to seduce you so I can have the perfect chance to you know, knock you out and escape." 

"Seduce me? Well that's a surprise." He looked over at the window then back at me. It never really got to me but when processing everything I just realized he said my name..*How does he know my name? Has he been stalking me or something?* 

"Hey quick question?" I heard him grunt behind his mask, did he not like being questioned or what? " If it's something stupid I will kill you so make it quick." Damn asshole much? 

"Well it just hit me but how do you know my name exactly?" Silence filled the room, I was getting impatient. He sighed and got off me. I was a bit surprised at what he did, usually they never let go of their victim and all but this person is quite different. "I just know, okay? Enough with anymore questions." Frustration was heard in his voice, guessing he doesn't like being questioned. 

"Boy I only asked you one question so don't be tripping out of the blue." I knew my attitude would result me in death, so asking that would probably be the day. "And?" "And you shouldn't be getting all irritated over one question." He was looking around the room as I on the other hand was still on the bed. He went from looking at pictures on the wall to touching objects and my paintings that were scattered on the floor. 

"Nice drawings. How'd you learn how to draw?" He proceeded to pick up one of my drawings and examined the detail that it had. "I learned a little from my father, the rest I learned by myself." Honestly I don't know why I am so calm in this situation with a person that I don't know and obviously said that would kill me. Like come on man he could be a killer especially with that threat or a pedo and I'm over here being calm?! What am I doing here.

"Who are you anyway and what are you doing in my house?" 

"I figured you were going to ask that. Well my friend-" "I'm not your friend." I utter out, interrupting him. "Hmm what did you say?" His voiced deepened, fearing that I my have done a mistake by interrupting him speaking. I stood quiet. 

"Hmm that's what I thought." He walked towards me and was face to face, well face to mask. I was so nervous and afraid of him being so close to me. " You know, you have a pretty face.." He trailed off touching my face. Even though I was bothered, I let felt nice. He continued to touch my face, hair and neck. It gave me goosebumps all over my body that he noticed. 

"Sensitive now are you?" he chuckled. "Not really. It's been awhile since I've been caressed like that.." I looked down. The last person I gave my heart out was my ex, Ex/n. The person that I hate the most. 

"What do you mean, 'It's been awhile'? You have someone?" He sounded like he was getting jealous and upset...but why?

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