Chapter 5

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I was pressing the buttons on the remote looking for something interesting to watch. Nothing came up but 'paid programming' and other shit. I was a college student, always got my shit done and was always on time so I had the rest to do whatever I want, unlike my roommate. Today I didn't feel like driving anywhere nor playing video games so I put on my black hoodie, grabbed my keys and left.

"Maybe a nice walk around the campus should do the trick." I said as I walked down the stairs heading towards the exit. Usually taking walks calm me down and helped me think. For some reason it feels...different. I never really had girlfriends or anything my focus was mostly school and getting everything done.

"Fuck thinking all this just gives me a headache." I rubbed my temples as I walked. It was around 6 in the afternoon, the wind was blowing, the sky was getting darker and no one was around. "Hi Jack" I looked up to see one of the girls in my class. I'm guessing she just got out of class since she still had her school stuff with her. *Shit was was her name...Janey--Julie--Jana--Oh Jenny! That's it!*

"You left class just now Jenny?" She smiled and nodded her head. Her smile faded when I ask her why she's leaving at this time.

" was just a study session. Finals are up, wouldn't want to miss it."

For some reason Jenny gave me a weird vibe sometimes but I just shake my head and keep talking to her. "What are you doing out here? It's gonna storm soon" She said. I shrug my shoulders before eyeing the sky, yeah it is going to rain in any second now.

"Eh I just came out here for some fresh air that's all." She nodded and smiled again. "Well I gotta go though, I'll see you later in class" and with that she kept on walking. I stand for awhile listening to the soothing wind making the trees move, as the crickets chirp and the moon is rising up. I felt droplets of water fall down my face one by one. Quickly I ran back to my dorm preventing from getting wet. I got to the dorm and closed the door behind me, shaking my fingers behind my hair, and wiping the rest of the rain off my face I saw Greg in the distance. "Oh shit boy I didn't see you there" Greg looks up and comes over to me.

"Bro where have you been I've been texting you to come through" He sounded a bit pissed. "Sorry man I was out taking a walk around school, why what's up?" I took off my leather jacket and proceeded to get a snack from the cabinet. "Well now that you are here there is a party going on and I wanted you to come with me, there's plenty of hot chicks the--" I cut him off. "I'm not interested besides I'm exhausted and just want to go to bed" Greg lowkey got mad for cutting him off but let it go and went ahead to the party. I was tired, I don't have time for parties anyway. Making my way to bed I kicked my shoes off, rolled over to face the wall and went to sleep.

"Praise Chernobog...Praise Chernobog, for his bloodstained hands will bring salvation to us all! He shall bring us closer to our everlasting paradise! He is our lord and savior! PRAISE HIM PRAISE CHERNOBOG!!"

[ Hey there Reader so I used part of Jack's origin to bring up his past it is short because the parts will appear in different chapters that are going to happen, I also summarized it as close as possible so I hope you're enjoying this so far]

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