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this is the third time the blue haired boy heard this. it doesn't really bother him really. ashton can just wait, plus it doesn't take 5 mintues to fix up his hair for the day. it's hair like his that doesn't really take that long, especially because the number of times he's dyed it will surely make him go bald before ageing gets a chance. yeah, you can say he makes a pretty big deal about his nearly balding hair. but hey, he says he can do what he wants, he's "punk rock".

when michael finally decided to get out of the only bathroom in their level of the apartment the two men both shared, yeah it was very small but suited them, he was met with a very furious ashton.

"bro, i was about to PEE myself! god dammit!" said ashton trying to keep him calmness.

"well i'm out now so?" michael mumbled sarcastically.

"whatever dude." ashton said and the fliped him off after quickly realizing he doesn't have time to fight with michael now.

michael rolled his eyes at his immature behavior. yeah he might complain all the time, but he is still michael's bestfriend. other then luke and calum. actually they're all their little family since all of them are close like brothers. their friendship takes them long back to highschool.
ever since michael saw that jock picking at luke behind some lockers and decided to defend the kid, which he thought was the worst idea ever after because it ended up with a nose bleed and a black eye, but then later on appreciated because...well, he met luke and calum. then later on met ashton.

it surprised him. he's not that likes or even wants to keep a friendship or any relationship for that long. so, he pretty much as to thanked that jock of a kid that probably still lives with his parents now, for making his life better because without his bestfriends, he'll be a nobody with crazy hair.

after michael had that little reflection, he was feeling a little hungry. actually very hungry. he went to the kitchen, looking for something to eat. preferably anything BUT eggs. call him crazy, but eggs terrfied him. michael doesn't know why. maybe the texture or the taste or maybe simplely just the thought of it being eggs disgusted him.

fortunately, after many seconds of him mentally picking what to eat for breakfest, he went with the basic; cereal. finally, michael smiled to himelf. 'fruity pebbles' aah, what every twenty-year old needs to eat.

after eating, michael was bored out of his mind. ashton was somewhere in his room, watching reruns of "the walking dead" ashton's favorite t.v show. yeah, he can play on his phone, watch tv or heck he can even go outside. michael shook his head at his absurd thought. the outside isn't for him. no not ever! but he was bored. maybe he can take the subway to somewhere, i mean it is new york right?

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