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"ok, fuck you."

michael wasn't in the best mood today. it may be because when he he woke up and the day hasn't even started he stubbed his toe when he woke up hurt like hell, had to take a shower in freezing cold water because someone cough luke hemmings cough decided to play around with the switches in the closet while he was showering, was late for work, so he couldn't have breakfast. what a bad mistake since michael doesn't get off until 3.

so yeah it was bad when alex his boss decided to make michael take jack's shift too. michael was furious. its not his fault jacks sick with some stupid cold. his shifts ends at 9 and oh boy michael does not want to stay here until night. he wasn't even getting paid extra.

michael walked out of the little record shop and was pretty sure he lost his job. you might think michael is over reacting, but boy are you wrong. sure he can be nice when he wants too. when you get michael mad, hell is break loose. you never want to get on michael's bad side. he has to smallest tolerance for anything.

after michael came home, locked his car and went into his home. the bleached hair boy was still mad and was not in the mood for anything. thankfully calum and luke weren't there, but ashton was since he only works on monday, tuesday, and fridays. michael only works on wednesday, thursday, and sundays.

ashton was watching something on tv when michael walked in.

"hey mate." ashton greeted.

"hey." michael said slouching.

"whats up? you look..sad." ashton said curiously.

"when do i ever look happy?" michael half heartedly laughed. "its nothing don't worry about it." and with that michael slammed the door of his bedroom.

ashton just simply shrugged and continued watching american horror story.

as michael stared at his ceiling, laying on his bed he got bored. he thought of something to do. the dyed hair boy grabbed his phone and decided maybe he should text someone.

michael was scrolling through his contacts and suddenly stopped when he got to the r's.


perfect. he thought. but what to text, what to text? after contradicting himself, a lot, he decided with a simple 'hey'.

to roxy boxy:

hey, roxy.

after a couple of minutes he got a reply.

from roxy boxy:

hey michael

from roxy boxy:

whats up?

to roxy boxy:

nothing much, just in a really pissy mood

from roxy boxy:


to roxy boxy:

just work stuff. but u maybe wanna hang out or like go somewhere??

from roxy boxy:

sure friend. where?

did michael just got friendzone? he wasn't asking her on a date.

to roxy boxy:

lol im not askin u on a date.

from roxy boxy:

i didn't say you were ??

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