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after a few moments of silence, michael decided to start a conversation. mostly just so he can get to know that beautiful girl infront of him (so cliche, i cringed) that he met an hour or so ago. surely he can learn a few things. yet, he doesn't even know her favorite color!

"hey, since we don't really know that much about eachother..uh, wanna play 20 questions?" michael asked with hope.

"what is this, the sixth grade?" roxanna replied full of sarcasm, bring out a little bit of her accent.

"yeez, just tryna start aa conversation, you looked kinda bored." michael lied.

roxy rolled her eyes "fine, what do you wanna know?"

the blue hair boy internally screamed. not wanting roxanna to see. he didn't know why he had so much interest on the girl. maybe because he wanted a new friend. or he was just really bored.

michael thought for a second, wanting his question to not be lame but also not creepy.

"where are you from?" michael finally came out with a good enough question.

"uh, new york, duh.." roxy blurt out.

"nice try, but i mean where are from?" he longer the way he ask the question the first time. "becuase you're surely not from here from your accent."

"ugh, im from spain. but my parents aren't, they're from agrentina, but they had me in spain and i kinda stayed there for my childhood until i turn 10. my parents moved to the united states for more job opportunities. guess my dad found one and now has the biggest company in new york, yay!" roxy explain, rolling her eyes.

"woah, you're from spain thats cool! and i just wanted to know where your from, but i got your whole past!" michael sad, happily.

"and wait, your dad owns Martinez's (just made this up bare with me) and you're his daughter?!"

roxanna rolled her eyes. she hated telling people about her dad. they always treat her differently because of that.

"yeah, surprise!" roxy said, annoyed.

"well, you're really sacastic aren't yah." michael said chuckling.

"yeah, yeah. what about you? surely you aren't from america either!" the girl said, wanting to change the topic.

"you're right, im from sydney australia. moved here after i finish high school, with my 3 best friends. brought a nice, big, apartment. living alone far away from my parents, i know i'm such a badass. haha, just kinding! i missed them a lot sometimes. i also have a job at a record shop. its pretty cool." michael said proudly

"that must be nice." roxanna said without thinking.

"what?" michael asked clearly confused.

"i mean, having a job. you get to work and earn your own money. not just be given it to."

"oh-uh, i guess?" michael said awkardly.

"i'm sorry, its just, i never liked it when my dad always gives me the money i need. i want to work for it, get a job. but its no use believe me, i tried. he just forces me to quit the job and just hands me the money. says 'my princess can not work, she needs everything and anything handed it to her!' it makes me sick." roxanna said shamefully.

"won't that be nice though? not having to work your ass off to pay rent or buy food or clothes. basic needs! not having to worry about anything!" michael said, regretting it immediately. he didn't mean for it to come off rude.

"sorry, i didn't mean for it-" michael was cut off before he could finish.

"no, i knew what you meant. i guess you're right. its just that people think i'm spoil and think im bratty. thats why i don't really have that much friends. sorry." roxanna said.

"uh its ok. i'm sorry too." michael replied. wanting to talk about something else not wanting to be in this awkard situation anymore.

"so, uh whats your favorite color?"

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