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being the only child in a semi-popular family was hard for roxanna. she never knew when a friend was really her friend or was just using her. which happen all the time which lead to her locking her self away from the outside world and not having any social interactions.

her life came crashing down in the beginning of 5th grade. roxanna mom died in a car accident. roxy was devastated and didn't eat for weeks she stayed in her room. her dad couldn't do anything to help the poor ten year old from screaming and crying. it was all over the news and random people would come up to her and rambled on of how sorry they were and how they lost someone so amazing claiming to be one of their 'good' friends. but roxanna never meant any of them. they never liked her mom, they just wanted her money. as confused as the child was she didn't want their pity. even if it was real or fake it, disgusted her. she knew they never cared not even her family that was still in spain when the funeral was held.

eleven years later and here she sits, crying on the bathroom over something that happen so long ago. but can you blame her? she lost her mother. the only person she truly loved and was their for her. her dad was always working and rarely came home. shes all alone. sometimes she wishes she can leave forever, just like her mother..

after roxanna cooled down a bit, she took a shower and changed. she didn't plan on going anywhere but she still put on some on some makeup.


when michael woke up he was in a great mood. excellent actually. he was so happy he could adopt 100 kittens. yeah, that happy.

the overly excited twenty-year old wanted to go outside and play. like a kid. he wanted to be free and have fun, he wanted to enjoy that with a buddy too. but ashton was at work and so were luke and calum. being the friendless stranger he was; he wasn't happy. until he got an idea. michael always got what he wanted, and this was no exception.

mikey: hey, im in a great mood and i want to take you out on a date.

roxyy: really? you asked me out on a date via text messages lol?

did michael really just asked the only other friend he has on a date in a text? he was overly happy he didn't think it through. but that excitement over powered the embarrassment that was trying to make its way through.

mikey: yes. yes, i did.

mikey: well then i guess, i have nothing to do like always.

mikey: stop being a debby downer and get ready, text me ur address and i'll come pick u up.

roxyy: debby downer wow ok. and sure:

after roxanna texted michael her address she started to realize something. she just got asked on a date. a boy that roxanna may or may not think is hot as fuck. roxanna doesn't remember the last time she went on a date or if she even been on one. overall roxanna was over joy and happy she was going on a date with a cute guy.

michael came driving up 15 minutes after and drove up to where the girl was waiting; outside of her apartment.

"hey" michael greeted as roxanna stepped into the vehicle.

"hi" roxanna said.

saying that the couple were nervous will be a understatement. they were beyond petrified. the both awkward people and one wrong move and this date can go down hill.

roxanna shifted in her seat when michael turned a corner trying to get use to this foreign feeling.

"so, where you taking me, mr.clifford?" roxanna said trying to imitate a french accent.

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