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Are you breathing? Are you bleeding? Are you in love? If you are then your lucky, most of us have corrupted lungs, or dead feelings, or bitter over someone. Do you care for friends? Do you care for her, or him, or me? If not, then why are you talking to me still? Why would you bother to talk to someone you don't care for? Do you judge people by looks? By color? By shape? I bet you don't, a lot of people are good people who don't so that. If you don't judge people by looks, do you judge yourself by looks? By shape? Height? Weight? Hair? Clothing? Color? If you do then why do you not judge strangers by looks, but you do it for yourself? Do you want to die? Do you want to leave? Think your a waste if space? Think your alone? Look around, you have tons of friends. If you don't, keep trying, you'll find the one. If you have friends, think if how they'll feel when you leave. They'll think it's their fault, that they didn't do something. 

Have you ever wanted to harm? Ever wanted to being pain upon yourself? If you have then why? Why would you want to? You have friends, you have family, people who care for you. If you HAVE harmed yourself, has any one found out? If no one has then stop! They'll find out and be worried, them be scared for you, would you want to bring that upon your friends or family?  Stop worrying friends, stop worrying people who care for you. 

Have you've seen a person cry? Seen someone harm them self?  If you have seen any if these happen, help them, before it's too late. Have you've seen a person die? Help their family out. Have you seen a person kill themself? Or seen someone who did kill themself? Help yourself through the sorrow if looking them by telling someone about it, they'll help as well.

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