Untitled Part 3

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When a girl is crying and there is only one person talking to her that's making it worse and while all her other friends say they're online but aren't and only one of them can help her but he doesn't care that his supposid little sister is crying her eyes out as he's talking to the person he loves cuz apparently she matters more because she's barley on but his little sister is always on and is now sobbing because she feels hated by her friends and that most of them don't even think the voices she hears are real but they very much are cuz they're constantly telling her to die or cut and she can't help but cry as no one is there to help her so she's falling deeper and deeper into her depression and it gets harder everyday to get up and do anything but no one bothers to help cuz she doesn't WANT then to worry but she needs them to help yet she hides it behind a fake smile that almost everyone is fooled by and none of her friends bother to help her even tho they know what's going on, no one cares about her, no one likes her, she's just some speck of dust under they're bed or gum on they're shoe that won't come off, they just don't notice she really needs their help now more then ever as she's drowning in her own tears but they can't hear her screams, no one can, and no one will, so she'll sit here waiting and hoping for someone to save her before it's too late, but it probably already it, far, too late

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