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Why is it, that everyone comes to me for advice, when their down. I'm pit through so much stress over a single friend, then having all of them come at me, it's too much. Having one friend struggle with her bf and another trying not to suicide. One friend telling me their life story and another being left alone. Having every one tell me everything, and yet when I see someone sad I have to ask what's wring, tho been if everyone hates that person, they deserve the help. Yet it puts me in more stress. And worrying. My worry level for friends is 50 times the normal persons, I worry that much. The friend who told me their life story, I'm worried they might do something rash, the person who is trying not to suicide, I'm worried they'll actually do it, the person who is having trouble with their bf, I'm worried they'll break up with the person they love the most. Everyone worries me, I can't help it. But when you have all your friends coming to you for advice or to rant to, it's too much for someone, way too much for me at least.

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