Schools out!!!!

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(Ariana POV) Ding ding* the bell rang everyone started running out of the school.I met up with Ross and ran into his arms. "Schools out baby!"Ross said. "Let's go on tour!" I screamed.

*3 hours later*

I was getting ready for the diner to kick off the beginning of the tour. I was going with Ross of course and Bridget with riker and Sarah and calum are coming on the tour to so there coming to the diner too.I have no clue what to wear so I just throw on a white sundress with a brown belt and put my hair in a sock bun and brown booties." Ross is here!" My dad screamed out to me. I jump up look in the mirror and realize I'm going on tour tonight and i look at my suitcase that is packed neatly in the corner and I get really excited and run downstairs.

"You look beautiful!" Ross said and smiled.
"Thank you handsome!" I replied.
"Be back at 9 I want to see my little girl before she leaves." My dad said as he started tearing up." It's ok dad I'll be back." I said giving him a hug. We left my house and got in the limo that everyone was in. "Hey Ariana!" Rydel said. Rydel was Ross and rikers sister. She felt like a sister to me. Let's face it one day she might be!anyways I don't see her a lot because she is in her first year in university and is really busy but we bond when ever we can.when I get in the limo I see riker and Bridget and Sarah and calum and Ross other brothers Ryland and rocky with there girlfriends and of course Ellington who was with Rydel. "Hey guys!" I said as I hoped in the car. This is gonna be a fun night. "R5 tour 2015!" Rocky yelled "woooo" we all screamed and went off to diner.

My boyfriend Ross lynch Where stories live. Discover now