Sightseeing and worrying

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  We got our drinks and decided to go see the Golden Gate Bridge.We got in the taxi and were on our way. As it started coming into view we all were so amazed about how beautiful it was in person.We went sightseeing to a few more places than decided to get some supper because we have been sightseeing all day and we were hungry. We went to a near by salad shop and as I was sitting at the table I checked my phone  to see if Ross texted me or called me but he didn't. I got really sad and I was sitting next to Bridget and she saw that I was sad."Its ok Ariana I know how you feel."she said as she gave me a hug. " I'm going to go outside and see if I can get a hold of him." I said as I started to walk outside." Ok let me know if you did" Bridget replied as she stayed at the table and talked to Calum and Sarah.

The phone was ringing I don't think he was going to answer than finally " Hey baby. How are you?" Ross said sounding in a rush."good.we got some food and went sightseeing." I replied " aw wish I was sightseeing.oh I got to go hope to see you on the bus tonight." Ross said "love you" he said."love you too." I said kinda angry.
He hung up and I felt like crying he never let me hang up on him angry before.This wasn't what I was hoping to do on tour with my boyfriend I wasn't even with him! I walked back inside Bridget knew something was wrong  and ran up and hugged me I couldn't help it I started crying.we all left and were on our way back to the tour bus all I wanted right now is to be at home in my bed snuggled up with Ross.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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My boyfriend Ross lynch Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora