Lets eat

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(Ariana POV)We stoped at Cheesecake Factory."I'm so hungry I could eat a cow!" Calum yelled. "Haha calum you crack me up!" Sarah yelled back. Sometimes there are so much alike they both get on my nerves.as we walk in a guy came up to us "you must be r5?" He said in a very French accent. "Qui qui" calum said. Sarah started bursting out laughing everyone was staring. Ugh not again!

   We sat down at a large round table I sat between Ross and Rydel. At this point we met up with Ross parents And there mangers. We were all talking about how many fun things were gonna do on the tour but the Manager had to ruin the mood and say they couldn't do anything tomrrow they had to do interviews for the first day of tour at least I had my bestfriends and calum lol! Ross turned to me "babe I'm so sorry that I'm so busy tomrrow I feel so bad good thing your friends are on this tour with us"Ross said "that's ok!"I said "rocky is planing on having a hotel room party we can go if you want or we can just watch a movie tomrrow night?"Ross said." Let's party babe! It's the first day of your tour have fun!"I said happily. "Love you!" He said as he kissed my cheek."hey you two love birds over there party At my place tomorrow night right?"rocky screamed across the table. We both nod. "Alright everyone party at  my place!"he said. Everyone nodded and decided to go. We finished up diner at 8 and went across the road to Starbucks and then Ross  drove me home. " I'll be back to pick you up at 11"Ross said. "Ok" I said sweetly in just a few hours I'll be on the road with some of my favourite people.

My boyfriend Ross lynch Where stories live. Discover now