The Pool Deck

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When Jake and I got to his locker, I started to pull my pants down, with my ass to him, so he wouldn't see my cock, I was embarrassed. He stood their patiently, but he may have been checking out my ass. I grabbed my jammer from my locker, and started to put it on. I did not like wearing the small speedos, because I was always afraid that my balls would come out or something and someone would laugh at me.

"Oh come on, Matt. You're not wearing a jammer, are you?" Jake said.

"Well, yeah I am. Is that a problem?"

"We don't do jammers on this team." Jake said. I was a little nervous, was he mad at me?

"Why not?" I asked.

Jake laughed. "There's nothing to worry about, don't be embarrassed. This is an all boys team, we're all men here." I never knew this was an all boys team.

"Oh, okay then, but I don't have a speedo today, I'll get one." 

"You can have mine, I have other ones." He started taking it off.

"Why don't you just give me another one, you already have it on..." But it was already off, and it's hard to explain the magnificent sight that was in front of me. His cock had to be at least 8 inches soft, his pubic hair trimmed to perfection, and his balls huge and loose. I felt myself getting hard again, but looked away and it faded. He handed me the suit.

"It's alright, that one was a bit small for me anyway." He took out another one from his bag, this time a black one with our team logo on the side. I put on the suit he gave me, it had a little bit of pubic hair in it, and the back was wet with Tim's cum. "Are you ready to go out now?" He said.

I replied, "Sure, let's go." I grabbed my cap and goggles, so did Jake, and together we walked out onto the pool deck.

It was then, across the pool, sitting on the bench near the pace clock, that I saw my new coach for the first time, but something was a little strange about him, he wasn't wearing any pants, just tight fitting white briefs. 

"Um Jake, why isn't Coach Paul wearing pants?"

"He likes to be comfortable, we're all boys here so none of us really mind."

"Alright I guess," I said, "could you introduce me to him?

"Sure." Jake told me. "Hey coach! This is Matt, our new member of the team. He can be in my lane."

"Hello Matt," coach said, "it's great to have you." Then he did something I wasn't really expecting, he grabbed my bulge. "That's a nice bulge you've got there young man, I'm sure the boys will put it to good use in the locker room."

"Um, thank you?" I told him. This was a little weird, but I went along with it.

Then, practice started. I was in a lane with Jake and someone else who's name was Colby, he was white with shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes, and abs, like a surfer dude. Practice could not have gone by any slower. The whole time I was staring at Jake's bulge and Colby's abs, this team was a real sausagefest. 

There goes my chance to actually be a good swimmer.

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