First Shower

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Practice finally ended after 2 and a half hours of torture. Practice was not just physically taxing, I just could not keep my eyes off of Jake. This was unsettling. How was I supposed to focus and be a good swimmer with this huge distraction?

"Practice is over guys, you can go." Coach Paul said.

We all got out of the pool. I noticed that Jake's bulge had shifted a little bit... One of the guy's suits ripped against the starting blocks as he got out of the pool. I would be petrified, but as I was learning, this was not a normal team. He just took it off, laughed, and continued walking. I even noticed that one of his friends slapped his bare ass as a joke. 

"So, how was your first day?" Jake asked, as we walked into the locker room. 

"Hard," I replied, "but I'll get used to it."

"Great," Jake said, "let's go shower."

Oh no. The shower is a place of humiliation to me. My dick was nowhere near the size or girth of Jake's, or anyone else's on the team. I didn't want to strip down to nothing and wash myself in front of everyone, I just wasn't ready. I told Jake this.

"Jake, I don't know if I'm ready to strip down and shower with everyone, I don't think I can do it." I said.

"Matt, don't worry, they're private showers." I felt so relieved. "But, you have to double up, because there isn't enough for everyone." I felt afraid again. "But, don't worry, we can share one, no shame." Even more afraid. Why couldn't I just share a shower with Colby or Tim or literally anyone else - but Jake. I was going to get a boner in the shower and humiliate myself. I might as well leave the team now.

We walked over to the showers and got into one together. I pulled the curtain shut tight, making sure no one would see me, or my boner-to-be. 

"Ok," Jake said, taking of his speedo, "let's shower." 

I took off mine too, but turned away from him, I couldn't feel more violated or scared, just luckily I didn't look at his dick yet, so I didn't have a boner. 

"Dude." Jake said. He grabbed my ass and turned me around. I couldn't believe it, he had a boner. It had to be at least 11 inches long and 6 inches around, no joke. "Why do I have to keep telling you to not worry, we are all men, it's alright if you pop a stiffy or need to jack one out, we won't judge." 

I smiled. "Thanks, Jake, you've really helped me a lot today." 

"No problem dude, now, could you wash my back?" 

It was then I got a boner, and very suddenly, he looked at it with surprise. "Whoa dude," he said, "that's a nice one." He touched my cock and stroked it a few times.

"Thanks," I said, blushing, "do you want me to wash your back still?"

He was staring at my cock. "Oh, sorry," he said, snapping out of a trance,"there's soap right there." 

He turned around and I put some soap on my hand. As I washed his back, I felt every muscle and crevice. He was very toned, and his dick was still hard. I even went down to his ass one time, he seemed to enjoy it. "Thanks, I could do yours now."

I accepted. As he washed my back, my dick felt as if it would explode. I felt his cock against my back, even though he was about a foot away from me. I really just wanted him to take it and shove it up my ass, but that seemed a little extreme at the moment.

When we were done showering, we walked out of the shower without bothering to put our towels on with our boners raging, and starting walking back to the locker. I heard someone moan behind me. Wait, was it Tim? The next thing I feel is my back covered in cum. I quickly turn around and Jake waits for me. It wasn't Tim, it was Colby. 

"Welcome to the lane." He said, and walked away laughing. His dick was about the same size as mine, 6 inches and skinny, but his had blonde pubes (which was really cute.) For some reason I felt very happy that someone came on me...

Jake laughed. "Colby gotcha, don't be afraid to get someone with your cum either, just saying." He took his towel and wiped the cum off my back. I noticed that his boner was gone, but mine was still raging. It felt that if I touched it, I would cum.

Jake in the Locker RoomWhere stories live. Discover now