Part 3

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**Molly's POV**

I sat in the office cubicle of my second job watching the clock tick away, just waiting for 5:00 to roll around. The closer it got, the more I could feel the excitement building up. I loved plane rides and going up in a helicopter was on my bucket list. I was also excited to see this part of Caleb again. It had been a while since we did anything closely resembling romance, so this could be a great turning point in our relationship. I couldn't lie to myself that part of my hope was a flight to Minnesota to watch the Blackhawks take on the Wild (which happened to be Caleb's favorite team), but I knew that wouldn't happen. Caleb was supposed to be going out of town on business tonight so it would be a very short date, but a date none-the-less.

"Hey sweetheart," I turned around to see my dad smiling at me.

"Hey Daddy," I said as I stood up to give him a hug. As I got closer, the smile on his face disappeared. He grabbed my shoulders and I knew he was studying my eye.

"Molly, what happened to your eye?" He asked quietly not to disrupt the other people around us. Before I could say anything, he grabbed my hand and walked me into his office. Yes, I worked with my father as a part-time employee. I loved my job working with children, but it didn't pay all the bills I needed it to. Plus I had started with the Wirtz Corporation in high school and had made some really good friends. He shut the door behind us and asked me what happened again.

"It's nothing Daddy." I said trying my best to get him to drop the subject. "I was working out in the living room with a weighted ball. The neighbor's dog started barking and I ended up dropping the ball on my face." I looked at his face when I was done with the lie and I knew he didn't believe it.

"Jonathan told me that you ran into a door."

"Why the hell were you talking to Jonathan?" Now my dad looked away. I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"First of all, he called me to..." he paused and I saw a look of concern on his face.

"Why would he call you?"

"One, I'm the owner of the team he plays on. Two, he wanted to talk about realty and owning rentals. Third, he wanted to ask me if you had said anything about arguing with Caleb recently." I felt my blood starting to boil.

"It isn't any of Jonathan's damn concern if Caleb and I fight."

"I didn't say fight Molly, I said argue." I shook my head.

"It doesn't matter what you said Dad! It's no one's fucking business what goes on behind my closed doors. I'm not in the public eye!

"He's just concerned. He wants you to be happy."

"I am happy, in fact Caleb sent me flowers this morning and has a surprise for me tonight." The look on my dad's face didn't change. He was still looking at me like he could see right through to my soul. The men in my life really needed to stop doing that.

"What did he do that he had to send flowers and a have a surprise for you?" I was slightly taken aback that he would actually ask me that question. I wasn't even sure how to answer for a moment.

"Just because Caleb did something surprising and nice doesn't mean he did anything wrong, Dad. Jon does nice things for me all the time and it doesn't mean he has a hidden agenda." I turned to look out the window just wishing this conversation would end so I could leave.

"It means that he loves you." I heard my dad mumble something, but I didn't actually catch the words.

"Dad, I have to go. Caleb wants me at the Vertiport at 5:00." I saw a slight smile spread across his face. He walked over to me and kissed me lightly on the forehead.

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