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{All speaking out loud in dragonese will be in italics and all speaking in dragonese by telepathy will be underlined as well.}

10 Years Previous 3rd Person

It was evening, and Dawn the ten year old, adventurous daughter of Chief Olav the Fierce (from the isle of Bern Kheir) was out wandering in the forest as usual for her daily night time walk. She just loved the forest, the way it always smelt fresh and was calm enough for her to gather her thoughts.

Dawn was heading towards her favourite place - Star Clearing, hence named as if you lay down the stars could be seen crystal clear all around, and Dawn always came here to gaze at the stars and just dream of being able fly seemingly surrounded by them one day.

The sky had always seemed an ethereal yet untraceable palace to Dawn, especially from evening to dawn, with the aurora borealis occasionally enveloping and dancing around it. It was endless. No limitations, no restraints, absolutely nothing to hold you back, it just seemed to Dawn the most magical place who was limited by the restraints of her island.

However, when Dawn reached the clearing today she froze. There in the clearing was a dragon as black as night, with light purple eyes that twinkled brighter than the stars, staring right back at her. Dawn was lost with what to do. Dragons weren't really encountered on Bern Kheir, in fact there had never before been a dragon on the island at all, and such a rare one at that! It all was so unexpected.

Dawn, although never laying eyes on a dragon before, had heard many petrifying tales about the supposed devilish beasts. About how they carried of helpless people, to later callously tear them limb from limb whilst they were hungrily devoured. Or about how a blaze of dragons would unexpectedly attack a random village stealing all their animals, mercilessly killing innocent citizens and burning the whole village to the ground so that all was left was a carpet of ash riddled with the bones of all the victims.

The worst tales though were all about the illusive and heartless night fury, such as the dragon intently watching her right now. It was said that these dragons only ventured out at night, blending in against the night sky like an invisible demon who only had malevolent thoughts swimming through their cunning minds. These sinister creatures were sly and could travel faster than lightning, and although they never stole any animals you were certainly doomed if one had decided to aim for you as they had impeccable aim and lethal plasma blasts that blow an entire armada of ships to nothing but splinters. Yet here she was standing about five metres away from one, completely alone and weaponless.

Cautiously, Dawn started to back away slowly creeping back step by step as to not spook this deadly beast. She had taken two steps until ... SNAP, a twig broke beneath her foot. The night fury pounced, pinning Dawn to the floor. Dawn by this time was like a deer in headlights, though managed to mutter out "Please, don't kill me!"

The night fury looked at Dawn curiously before growling to itself, "Now why would I do that?"

"Because you wish to eat me." replied Dawn.

"Where on earth did you hear that nonsense? We eat fish."

"You do?"

"Yes, wait ... you can understand me?"exclaimed the night fury, sitting up on its hind legs.

"Yes, wait ... I - I can t - talk to dragons!" stuttered Dawn.

"It... it cannot be... you're the Dragon Whisperer!"

"I'm who?"

"You're the Dragon Whisperer, the one talked about in the ancient prophecy."

From Evening To Dawn (Hiccup x reader)Where stories live. Discover now