4: Cheeky Stoick!

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{All speaking out loud in dragonese will be in italics and all speaking in dragonese by telepathy will be underlined as well.}

Hiccup's POV:

Toothless and i had just returned from our early morning flight around the island. It was truly spectacular! The sun was beginning to rise, covering the village in a shroud of blues, pinks, purples, yellows and oranges merging and dancing together in the sky creating a kaleidoscope of light in the sky. No matter how many times i witnessed that scene it would never fail to render me speechless. It was ten to nine and dad had told me to come home so he could 'brief' me on meeting the new girl or something. I mean surely it can't be that hard can it to show someone to the breakfast hall before giving them a tour of the village. I patted Toothless on the head before going inside.

"Ah son, i trust you had a good flight?"

"Yes thanks dad, no what do you need to tell me before i go and show the new girl around?"

"Right, so first things first, her name is Dawn and she has a pet dragon called Evestar, but i expect you to walk to the great hall since the last thing we want to cause at the moment is a fuss."

"Wait, what?"

"You'll understand once you meet her."

"She is 20 - a couple of months younger than yourself, 5'9" and lives in the house up a tree in the forest."

"I know all this dad, you've already told me."

"I'm aware of that, but i just wanted to make sure of it. Right that's all, i expect you to be at the Great Hall with her in the next ten minutes at the latest."

"Okay, well i should probably get going dad." I turned to leave, and just as i walked through the door his voice called, "Oh and son, try not to stare too much okay?!"

Wait ... what?! Why would i stare? I froze in confusion, whilst my dad walked past me chuckling, obviously knowing something i didn't. I wonder what it is? Well i guess i'll find out soon enough! With that I started walking again off in the direction of the forest. I wonder what she's like, and a house up a tree? That sounds like something i would come up with! Wait.. What?! I wonder if she's a 'hiccup' like me? Bah! That's highly unlikely! Anyway i better get going or i'm going to be late.

Stoick's POV:

I walked past my son, who was standing outside clearly confused. I chuckled to myself. That last sentence really confused him, i wonder if he really will stare? I mean she really was pretty even after a twelve hour boat journey, i mean that takes some looks. She could potentially top Astrid's beauty! Wait ... What in the name of Thor am i thinking? I'm the chief! I'm supposed to be manly! But then again, i do have the feeling that her and Hiccup are going to get on as splendidly as vikings and parties! I mean even from just the small encounter last night i could already tell that they are very similar. I wonder if they'll start dating? I mean it's been awhile since Hiccup had a girlfriend after he and Astrid broke up two years ago. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!

"You okay there Stoick? You look like you just saw a troll! One didn't steal your left socks did it? I swear i will avenge your half - empty sock draw for you."interrupted Gobber, once again talking nonsense.

"I'm fine thanks Gobber and I've still got my left socks, so there's no need to worry. I'm just hungry. Anyway, we better get going to the Great Hall, I have a village to run and a stomach to feed.

Hiccup's POV:

I had reached the door of Dawn's house, and i must say the house really was an ingenious idea. I really must ask her what mechanism she used for her folding staircase. I reached the two wooden double doors lifted my hands and knocked. Well this is it I finally get to meet Berk's new resident, who also happens to be the daughter of a chief who my dad is good friends with. It wasn't long before I heard someone jogging down the stairs, before the door opened and my jaw dropped.

From Evening To Dawn (Hiccup x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang