3: The Stupendous Beardy Guy

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{All speaking out loud in dragonese will be in italics and all speaking in dragonese by telepathy will be underlined as well.}

Hiccup's POV:

"Son we need to talk."my dad's voice bellowed as i walked through the door.

Oh Thor, what have i done now!

"You're all grown up son, and it's time you started taking more responsibility around the village, therefore you are to meet the new girl tomorrow at 9 am and bring her to the Great Hall for breakfast, before giving her a tour around the village. You are to make sure she feels welcome."

Phew! I seriously thought i was in trouble then.

"Wait... WHAT?! There is a new person coming to Berk?Since when?"

"Yeah, i told you two weeks ago."

"I swear you didn't."

"Oh, well i meant too. The daughter of Chief Olav the Fierce is being transferred to Berk from Bern Kheir as her father feels that she will fit in here better than she does on her own island. She has a pet dragon, the first dragon to ever step foot on Bern Kheir although i have no idea what type. She is twenty, a couple of months younger than yourself and her name is Dawn. Right i've got to help Mulch find his sheep. See you later son."

"Wait, where is she going to live?"

"She will be living in the new house built in the forest, you know the one specially commissioned to be up a tree, by her father. I have no idea why, but the house itself is quite a good idea to be honest. She is arriving around midnight tonight so you will pick her up from there. "shouted my dad from outside, before hopping on Skrullcrusher and flying away.

Well, that was unexpected, i wonder what she'll be like? Dawn, hmm, that's a pretty name ... wait ...WHAT?! Anyway, i wonder what type of dragon she has and how did she manage to tame it when non dragon has ever stepped onto her island before? Oh i wonder if she knows anything we don't about dragons?! Wait... She could have a night fury!!!!! Though i highly doubt that, never have toothless and i found even a trace of another night fury during our travels, so what chance is there of one just arriving on Berk?

I am shaken out of my thoughts by a nudge to my hand. I look down to see Toothless eager for his evening flight.

"You know what bud? I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a very interesting day." I tell him before jumping on his back and taking to the air, a sense of intrigue flitting about my mind.

Dawn's POV:

I have been stuck on this boat for twelve hours now and have pins and needles in my bum! Eve is sulking in the corner, since having not been allowed to fly due since according to my dad taking off and landing on the boat will cause it to sway unsafely. As i'm staring ahead of me, wondering if Berk even exists the fog clears and before my eyes lays Berk. I was lost for words. It made Bern Kheir look like a butter knife next to a long sword! It was magnificent.

Standing guard were two large stone vikings towering over any who dared near the island, the blazing, orange fires inside their mouths illuminating the sky with a warm yet mystifying glow. Mountains sheltered the village from the back, providing an impenetrable wall from any who spared a thought of attacking from behind. The jagged cliffs glinted with a dull glow of the moon, whose silver sheen iced the village below.

The village itself was much larger than anything i had ever imagined, and full of unique intricately buildings, each with its own unique, and most probably ingenious purpose. Despite it being dark the grass was still a lush, nourished green. It seemed like Valhalla on earth. I was completely in awe! I felt a nudge to my right shoulder, before Evestar came and stood to my right, joining me in admiring the sheer magnitude of our new home before us.

From Evening To Dawn (Hiccup x reader)Where stories live. Discover now