6: Meeting the Gang and Sneaky Stoick Returns!

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{All speaking out loud in dragonese will be in italics and all speaking in dragonese by telepathy will be underlined as well.}

Astrid's POV:

I'm sitting with the gang in the Great Hall, chatting over breakfast as usual. Well by chatting I mean Snotlout is attempting, and I emphasise ATTEMPTING, to flirt, Fishlegs is once again pouring over his dragon cards and Tuffnut is talking to his chicken whilst Ruffnut is just looking on in disdain. However, the strange thing is that Stoick just randomly left about five minutes ago and I'm not sure why, but that wasn't the weirdest thing it was the expression he wore on his face as he left, it was like he knew something we didn't crossed with the look of someone planning to play matchmaker. I mean sure that's completely normal for a teenage or young adult girl, but a fifty-year-old man, who is no less the chief, is just plain weird.

"Hey Astrid, what're you thinking about?" Ruff suddenly piped up, clearly bored of watching her brother's antics.

"Oh, I was just wondering why Stoick randomly left breakfast five minutes ago."

"I know right, weird and did you see the look on his face?"

"Yeah, it was kind of creepy!"

"What look?"Questioned Fishlegs, by now the whole group had stopped what they were previously doing and had joined in with our conversation.

"It was like he knew something we didn't, crossed with a look that he intended to play matchmaker between two people."

"Wait, how do you know that look?"Fishlegs once again questioned.

"I may punch harder than a man Fishlegs, but that doesn't mean that I'm not a girl. Every girl knows that look, don't they Ruffnut?"

"Yeah," Replied Ruff.

"Oh come on, you wouldn't know that look if you were slapped across the face with it!"Said Tuff to Ruff.

"I would too!" Ruff argued back

"Here we go again moaned Fishlegs.

"Hey babe," Snotlout said whilst turning to me, "I feel like playing matchmaker myself, between you and me, meet me at my house tonight at eight and we can have a little fun." He wiggled his eyebrows in a desperate attempt to seduce me.

"Never in a million years would I date you Snotlout, even if you were the richest man alive and never, I repeat NEVER call me babe again or you'll end up as Stormfly's dinner, you got that?"I venomously retorted.

"Y-yes," Trembled Snotlout, now quaking in his seat.

"But I just don't understand who Stoick would be wanting to play matchmaker between?"Questioned Fishlegs, once again.

"Duh, between me and Astrid obviously!" Sneered Snotlout.

I growled.

Suddenly, Tuff piped up "I know who!"

"Who?" we all questioned together, eager to find out this new information.

"Wait for it.... Bam!"Tuff said, before pointing to the doorway.

Just coming through the doorway was Stoick once again wearing that creepy look on his face, however this time he was contentedly staring at two people a couple of paces ahead of him - Hiccup and ... a new girl?

"Why does he get all the best girls?" Whined Snotlout whilst Ruff and I venomously glared at him.

"What? Look at her, she's absolutely smoking!"He retorted as they were now heading towards us and I will admit she was stunning!

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