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Directly after Chemistry, well, directly after a minor swoon over Nathane's kind treatment towards her in chemistry, Andromeda collected her things and headed to the address she found on the jewelry box. Surely something with the address taped to the bottom was precious to someone.

Her feet lead her to a rather odd looking home. There was obvious eastern influence, but the building also seemed to be a business and not just a home. After rereading the sign just to be sure, Andromeda concluded that the building was for a spiritual healer. She had heard of reiki becoming popular back home, but she never expected someone could afford such a nice home for such things. Must be the American in her saying that, this was France after all, perhaps Europe in general had a deeper spiritual connection than America did.

Andromeda nervously entered the front room of the building, ringing a small bell at what seemed to be a service desk.

"Coming, coming!" A man's voice came from down the hall. Andromeda fished the small box from her backpack and held it tightly in her hand. "Ah, hello, what can I do for you today?"

"Hello, sir. I work at a boutique down the road, and well, my boss found this old jewelry box, and it had this smaller box inside it, and it had this address written on the bottom, so I'd like to return it to you." She holds out the small bow to the man who smiles lightly before opening it and inspecting the small choker inside. Andromeda breathes a sigh of relief, but before she can place her hands back down, the man places the box back into her hands.

"I thank you for returning it, but you may keep it." He smiles, and Andromeda raises an eyebrow.

"But sir, isn't this yours? Or well, someone in your family's?"

"No, no, it used to belong to someone I know but alas, she is long gone. I think she would've wanted someone as kind as you to have it." He pats her hand gently before shuffling back down the hall and leaving Andromeda utterly speechless.

"Sorry!" She calls out. "For your loss, that is." She finds herself sighing again as she looks down at the necklace. Even though it has a sad story connected to it, she couldn't help but smile at the small star pendant. How very fitting for her, she thought. "I suppose I can just be the one to make your story happy again."


This night was not particularly different from any other when it began. Andromeda made herself dinner, took a bath, read a bit from the latest paranormal book she picked up, then attempted to lay her head to rest. It didn't matter how much melatonin Andromeda took before bed, she always found herself waking up in a cold sweat for the same reason.

She had been reliving the past again, in her dreams-- or rather, in her nightmares.

Andromeda found herself trying to regulate her breathing, as she normally did to ground herself after such dreams. She could focus on the highlights of the day--

Befriending Nathaniel. Meeting Adrien. Getting to keep the necklace she discovered.

Andromeda reaches over onto her nightstand and grabs the small box the necklace rests in. She rises from her bed, clicking on a light and walking to her vanity. A small smile comes to her lips as she places the choker on-- Andromeda, her favorite constellation.

Andromeda. Not really Andromeda.

Could she ever really have friends with a secret like this? Could she really start over if she can't even be the person she was? She came to Paris to be happy, but she's starting with a pile of lies. Would she ever really be happy like that?

-Goodnight, Moon.- (Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now