Warning Call

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Andromeda sat in class the following day, her thoughts swarming about her head. Perhaps she wasn't all that broken hearted about the decision to stay away from Adrien for Marinette's sake. She had Chat, afterall. And he was wonderful.

But there was still the slightest bit of remorse for the things that will never be with Adrien. She'd have to suck it up and deal, just cancel her trip with Adrien.

The hard part was breaking it to him.

It took Andromeda pretty much the whole day. Whenever she thought she could approach him, he just smiled at her in a way that made her red from head to toe. Guilt racked her brain in more ways than one. She couldn't keep destroying her friend, the most important hero the universe has ever had, but she couldn't stand to imagine the look on Adrien's face when she'd tell him they couldn't go to the beach together.

It made her hit her head against her locker after class. Repeatedly.

"Andromeda?" His voice tickled the back of her neck. Her skin crawled. "If you don't know the code, you can just get the janitor, you know."

He thought he was clever. Andromeda couldn't handle clever right now. She couldn't handle speaking with him. She couldn't handle guilt.

Thankfully, her cell phone ringing delayed her bad news even more.

"Hello?" Andromeda answered, holding her index finger up to Adrien to ensure she'd come back to addressing him.

"Andromeda, It's Linda."

"Oh, hey Aunt Linda. What's up?" Her aunt's voice sounded strict, more so than she remembered it.

"Andromeda... she got out."

Her knees buckled, and she fell to the floor.

"What?" She whispered, pushing off Adrien as he ran to her side.

"The temporary insanity plea worked, she's done re--"

"She's supposed to be locked away in a ward getting help!" Andromeda's mouth went dry, her chest heaved.

"She's done rehab, Andromeda. She got released from the ward today." Andromeda's heavy silence was a sign to her Aunt that she was terrified. "I think you know as well as I do that this insanity was far from temporary. I need you to call your officer, I need you to get safe again."

"But I just started a life here--"

"This isn't an option anymore, Andromeda. She is a free woman, and I have no doubt that she's on her way to you right now."

Andromeda brought a hand to her mouth as she finally let out a choked sob. Students were beginning to speculate as they walked to and from their lockers. All Adrien could do was stand by and ward off any spectators.

"How could she know I'm in Paris?" The blue haired teen finally asked. "How could she find me?"

"Because she's listening right now."

The world around Andromeda stopped moving. That voice made her spine feel misaligned, her ribs like they were cracking, and her throat like it was splitting open again.

"I miss you, sweetheart."

Her aunt... would never do this to her.

"Sissy dearest will miss you, too."

"No." Andromeda croaks out. She hears the smallest of chuckles on the other end.

"Say goodnight, Andromeda."

-Goodnight, Moon.- (Chat Noir)Where stories live. Discover now