Adrien, The Model

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Drama practice was exceedingly more productive the following day. Andromeda felt ten times more confident about singing, and her mood was through the roof. She just couldn't wait to see Chat again, even if the forecast called for rain that evening.

"No, no, no! You guys are showing no enthusiasm! Is it the song? Is it the choreography? The rain?" Mrs. Thayer let out a frustrated sigh, and the cast member exchanged glances.

"Honestly? It's the song." Marinette admits, rubbing the back of her neck. "I get that people think Queen is a classic, but it's so overplayed that it's really no fun to sing anymore."

"Well, I don't know how you expect us to come up with another song in time, the show is coming right up, I can't pull you all aside to learn a new song with only a few weeks to go!" Mrs. Thayer furrows her brows as she looks down at the script. "And really, nothing else fits, even if I could."

"Uhm," The cast turns to Andromeda, who takes a step forward to be visible by her teacher. "I actually know a song... and it's pretty easy to learn."

"I just said--"

"I'll teach them." Andromeda interjects. Mrs. Thayer watches the girl with an inquisitive look, before taking a seat in the auditorium.

"Fine," She sits back. "Let's hear it, then."

Andromeda wasn't really expecting a yes, but she took a deep breath anyways. "If you know it, feel free to help me out... Otherwise, it's call and response."

"I'm reading through the Sunday paper and it's all bad news" Andromeda points, and the cast members who had any idea how songs worked called back. "All bad news."

"I'm looking for a smile on the streets but it's just no use" More picked up on her direction this time. "Just no use."

"I jump into my car turn the key but it just won't start." "No, it just wont start."

"I got text from my ex, it's official she just broke my heart." "She just broke my heart."

"Storm clouds are circling around

but I won't let that stuff drag me down--" Andromeda turns on her heel, the cast who new the latest pop song had already been singing alone, but the ones who had never heard it before were ready for the call and response.

"So I'll be singing" "I'll be singing" "I'll be singing" "I'll be singing" "I'll be singing in the rain" "singing in the rain"

"I've got a song in my heart and I'm bullet proof

There's nothing in the world that's gonna kill this mood

No matter what life wants to throw my way

I'll be singing, I'll be singing in the rain."

Andromeda was smiling rather wide, an appreciation for what the musical cast members brought to the table to help her out. Some could harmonize effortlessly, others added in their own riffs, some even whistled.

"I went to see a fortune teller and she said I'm doomed

But what the hell does she know

Why she trying to break my groove

All of life's colours turn to grey" Andromeda decides to add the original choreography of the scene along with the song, finding soon the other members have decided to join in. As Andromeda makes eye contact with Adrien, she can tell he's clearly enjoying the number. "Then you turn around and you smile my way

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