Perseus (Finale)

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Adrien Agreste had never been so infuriated in his entire life. He'd never been so fucking scared in his entire life.

"CHAT, CATACLYSM!" Ladybug shouted, pointing down at the bridge as she readied her lucky charm.

Adrien threw his hand down onto the bridge roughly, performed the magic, then ran over to the rail, searching for any sign of the blue haired girl he cared to deeply for.

There was no signs of blue, but the red rising to the surface was a definite sign.

He dove in without a second thought.

The river itself was dark, it was never something any Parisian ever felt the urge to jump into, but this was for her. For Andromeda. His Andromeda.

Her eyes were just barely closing, he could see her sinking into the depths. Her hand reached out in the last second-- but not for him.

In her last moment of consciousness, Andromeda Clements had reached out and grabbed her choker that was sinking beside her.

He'd scold her for that, he thought. When she was safe. If she was safe.

He wrapped his arms around her and fought against the pressure and currents to bring her up to the ladders to bring her back onto the dry land. As he glanced over to Ladybug, seeing her snap the kitchen knife in two before the police finally gained some courage and ran out to apprehend Andromeda's mother.

He placed Andromeda on the ground. She was not gasping for air, or showing any sign at all that she was actually breathing. Adrien placed a hand over the cut on her neck, hoping to slow the bleeding. He needed to perform cpr.

He didn't have a damn clue about how to perform cpr.

Would pushing on her chest hurt? Her ribs definitely cracked when her mother stomped down on them. Would Ladybug know?

He whipped his head around, finally getting to glance at the destruction he caused on the bridge. It was missing an entire section.

Cassandra was in handcuffs, Ladybug talking with an officer. She couldn't help him.

"Shit," Adrien whispered, reaching his hands up to place on her chest. He'd have to do this alone. He thought back to all the tv shows he watched as a kid, and used common sense to push down on the spots where the lungs resided. Not hard enough, he thought, bringing his hands down more firmly on her chest.

Then, air, right?

He brings his lips to hers, suddenly remembering he'd have to plug her nose to prevent the air from coming out. He didn't hesitate, forcing air in again before resuming the pressure on her chest.

She very nearly spit up into his mouth.

He was just happy she was conscious.

"Andromeda." He laid her back down after a minute, clutching his hand over her neck again. "Ambulance is on it's way, when you can breath again, I need you to lay back down.

The girl nodded, still hacking up the fluids that filled her lungs.

How had she survived? She didn't understand any of it.

"My m-"

"She's in custody. It's okay, Andromeda." The girl finally looks up at Adrien with tear struck eyes. "You're safe."

She fell back onto the pavement, a relief flooding over her whole body.

"Stay awake, please." Adrien begs, and Andromeda barely mutters a reply.

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