Rain Check

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A field trip to the hotel in town was hardly a field trip at all. Apparently, the trip was meant to be enlightening for the students and encourage them to explore different job fields in the future.

Andromeda was sure it was just Chloe's design to get herself out of class.

Especially because she grouped herself with the easiest job, standing around with Adrien, the only other person in her group.

"Mr. Bougeouis, do you have Marinette, Alya, and Andromeda on your list?"

"It doesn't look like it."

"I bet I know who helped daddy make the assignments." Alya rolls her eyes.

"I bet if we all got into a fight right now, we could get in school suspension and be saved from this horror show of a field trip." Andromeda mumbles, getting Alya to giggle.

"It's so unfair, I can't believe she just gets to laze around with Adrien all day." Marinette groans.

"On the bright side, he's clearly not enjoying it." Andromeda shrugs.

"Daddy! I put those three on trash duty!~" Chloe gives her dad a cheerful smile, and Andromeda considers breaking Chloe's stupid teeth.

"I will seriously let you punch me in the face to get out of this right now." Alya whispers.

"Is that Jagged Stone?" Marinette whispers, elbowing Alya.

"Oh, no way! A fellow American!" Andromeda bounces on her toes. Chloe whispers some harsh words to her father about how he'll greet their guest.

"Bonjour Monsieur Jagged! Est ce que--"

"I have absolutely no idea what this guy is saying." He looks to his assistant, who shrugs her shoulder. Jagged lets out a sigh. "Doesn't one person in this damn city know how to speak english?"

"Oh," Andromeda approaches the two. "I do, actually. I live here, but I come from America. I can translate, if you'd like."

"Thank you, finally! Tell this man I want his best room, with a full tub for my fang here."

Andromeda relays the messages between the two men, only stopping when she notices a hidden cameraman behind the counter.

"I uhm... don't assume that guy over there is with you?" Jagged's alligator goes up to greet the cameraman.

"Oh no, not him again." Jagged groans.

"Remember me, Mr. Stone? I'm Vincent Asa. Just one photo to show everyone in the world that we're best buds! Please? I'm your biggest fan!"

Man did that guy seem desperate.

"I know, you've been to my last 36 shows! We are NOT friends!"

Jagged's assistant quickly grabs the fan and drags him out of the hotel, scolding him outside.

"Yikes." Andromeda whispers.

"We still haven't assigned these three a task, Mr. Bourgeoius." Mrs. Thayer crosses her arms at the man, who nervously glances back at his list.

"The american girl is staying with me, I need a good translator." Jagged places a hand on Andromeda's shoulder, who looks shocked, but turns back to the Hotel owner.

"What is it?" The french man asks.

"He uh, would like me to stay and translate for him." Andromeda says quietly, but not quiet enough that Chloe doesn't hear it. The blond girl's growl makes Andromeda roll her eyes.

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