Night Changes

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Andromeda found herself plucking the dandelions from the grass surrounding her, knowing that Lunna was probably growing tired of her wanting to go out every night for no particular reason. The least she could do was spoil the rabbit with her favorite foods.

"You gonna make yourself a flower crown, space princess?" For the first time, Andromeda got a rather large grin at the sound of the blonde's voice.

"No, of course not! This one was for you, good sir!"

Chat Noir took his usual spot beside Lune, admiring how the grass was squished down in the spot they'd sat for the past few nights. He had a friend, what a great feeling. "So, how goes the star gazing?" He looked down to the pile of weeds again. "Or would you call this star GRAZING?"

"Stop." Andromeda glared at the boy for his awful pun, and he let out a chuckle at her reaction. "The sky is pretty clear out here... It's nice. You don't get auroras here, which is a shame. I used to get them all the time back home."

"Did you live in the north?" Chat raised an eyebrow and Andromeda nodded.

"Yeah, on the clear nights, when the solar activity was intense, you could hike up the nearby mountain and go admire the aurora." She sighs and brings her knees up to her chest. "Probably the only thing I miss."

"You really like it here a lot, huh?" Chat got a coy grin, but the next words to come out of her mouth were not words he was expecting.

"Of course, what's not to like?" As her head turned, her blue hair tossing over her shoulder and swaying with the light breeze of the moment, Chat couldn't help but notice the way her emerald eyes shone in the moonlight. "You're here, what more could I ask for?"

Chat tried very hard, every day, to be charming, to be eccentric, to be cunning and suave... everything his other self was not. He wasn't quite used to girls actually liking that side of him, let alone dropping a response like that. It made him, in every sense of the word... a total herp.

"Woah." He whispered.

Andromeda wanted to bite off her tongue and chuck it across the field. She was a total derp, how could she say something like that without even thinking? There was NO good way to recover from that, and that was certainly out of her character to ever say.

But Andromeda wasn't really Andromeda right now... and maybe the mask made her a little bit brave. And maybe, if it was behind a mask, she could handle rejection somewhat okay. But was that a confession? It didn't have to be. It just slipped out, after all, and she didn't explicitly say she liked him. Maybe he wasn't thinking into it as much as she was.

He was.

"If you keep saying things like that... I might start to think you like me." Chat laughed, trying to play off the fact that he was beet red in the face. Andromeda found herself laughing too, wondering what about that thought bugged her.

"Sorry." Was her only response.

"Don't be." His change in tone cause the two to have another moment staring at each other, before finally Chat cleared his throat. "Hey so, do you know anything about the constellations?"

"Well, yeah. I do." She knew everything about them, to be exact.

"So then... which one is Andromeda?"

Why would he ask that? WHY would he ask that? Why would HE ask THAT?

"O-oh u-uhm... It's... well. The star that's a little bit dimmer, below the moon and to the right, that's the top of A-Andromeda's arm." Her heart was beating so rapidly, she wasn't sure she'd ever be able to calm down. "Why d-do you ask?"

-Goodnight, Moon.- (Chat Noir)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu