New home

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Mia's pov
I kinda woke up. But not really.Like I'm awake. But my eyes are closed.
It felt like we were still in the car I Felt a bunch of movement . And I could hear talking. So I Decided to listen. It's not eavesdropping. It's listening to a conversation that your not part of.

"Lads. How Do you think. She'll react when she finds out?" Find out about what?

"I don't know. She seemed okay When we told her about the band" I think. Louis said this. It
sounded like him. They all have different accents. Especially ni.

"That's Different. That doesn't involve us flying " what? Wait Can they fly? Or are they talking about a plane?

"Listen...we have to tell her. And we'll do it When she wakes up" This was definitely Liam.

"What If she Wakes up now?" And this sounded like Ni.

"Then we'll wait till we Get home" Liam replied.

I felt a hand on my Back. And Jolted up. I Don't like surprises. Especially like this.

"Woah!...Calm Down love" louis said.

" surprised m-me. Please Don't Hit me" I pleaded

"Lovely. Why Would I hit you?" He questioned his tone suddenly changing.

"N-never mind" I said nervously. Not wanting to get into it. His eyes showed concern. But Seemed to let it go when Liam said we were at there house.

"Alright. We're here" Harry called to the back. Zaynie had fallen asleep so Louis had to wake him up. He's a heavily sleeper. Lou Lou had to hit him on the shoulder a bunch of times.

"Alright come on princess. Let's go show you the house " Niall said excitedly.

I nodded in response. And slowly tried to get out of the s.u.v
It was kinda hard, because it was pretty high up.

"Here. Let me help you babe'' liam said Noticing me struggle. He lifted me up with ease. And placed me steadily on the ground.

"Thank you"

"No problem baby girl" he said. After that we all headed in there Massive House.

There House was Huge.
Once everyone was inside. They started the tour of the house.
It was long. They had the basic rooms. Such as.
Bathroom .
Living room.
Dinning room.
And then They had rooms like.
The game room.
Indoor pool.
Music room. And the list goes on.
"Alright. So Up here Is. Our rooms" Louis said as we entered the upstairs.

"Down that Hall is. Nialls mine and Harrys." He said pointing down one hall.

"And this way. Has your room. Along with Liam and Zayns"

"Each room. Has it's own bathroom" he explained.

"Alright princess. You wanna Go see your room?" Ni asked

"Um.. Okay?" I didn't really know how to respond to that. Was I supposed to say yes?

"Right this way then" He led me Down a hall with the others following.

He Opened the door. To reveal a Beautiful a Purple and white room. It with hints of pink. It was really nice. A Lot Nicer then the ones back at the orphanage.....

"We Didn't really Know what you Liked." Niall said

"Do you like it?" Louis asked. I Didn't really Know what to say

"Yes... It's beautiful. Thank you. You Really didn't have to Do this Much...."

"You Deserve all of this. And More" Liam exclaimed.
I just shrugged. He Can believe what he wants, but I know it isn't true.

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