This is important

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I am very much aware this happened weeks ago almost a month,but non the less, it still is, and shall remain a tragedy, and I don't want to hear any shit from you, saying "why so many dam authors notes" I'm aware I haven't updated in a long time, but this is something I have been thinking about for a long time. And this is my only way of showing other people

The minute I found out what happened in Orlando Florida, I was almost in tears. It took all of my strength to gain a thought upon it. How and why? How could you bare to live knowing you killed and injured over 50 innocent people. Sure I thought it's just human
But yet another thought occurred to me, it's not, killing innocent people. Is not nor has it ever been 'human' the sentence or phrase "just human " is just an excuse to say it's alright, "cause it's just human"
(I am a Christian, and I will not deny it, I'm not sorry if it offends you, it's my belief and I'm aloud to believe what I please )

God created us, and gave us freedom. We are aloud to do as we please, such as belief and Etc.. And yes killing is technically one of those things. But it's not human, it's a scary thing, Ending the life of someone? That's not something that can be erased or undone.

It's not human, killing people is not just another weird thing that we are designed to do. It's something we choose,  ( well not me, but mean people who are angry and such) it's not something we're forced to, it's something that is choosing to be done.
And unfortunately, there are people in this world that choose to do it.

What happened in Orlando is scary, not only do I live in America ( not in that area) but I do have relatives in Florida, and not only that, it could happen where I live. It could happen in England Ireland Canada Australia. Anywhere it could happen, it's not just some crazy american thing. It's a thing that weird sick minded exile people decide to do, its either out of hate or fear or emotion, or Lord Knows.

Non the less, it's still a bad thing. I know you know . But I still have a right to write this.

Christina Grimmie.
She also died that day, I didn't really know who she was, until a few days ago, sadly all I knew was she was a singer, and she was on the voice.
She unfortunately was shot by a man who I have no clue what his name was.
I recently subscribed to her YouTube channel, since it is still active.
She seemed like such a wonderful sweet person, I have never met, but hopefully will someday.
I definitely recommend listening to her covers. She had such an amazing beautiful voice. It makes my heart ache just writing this, since I have recently been listening to her original song 'liar liar'
She was so young and talented, it is such a tragedy, her life was cut so short.

Listening to her songs, is one of the main reasons I'm writing this now, just been given the time to as well.

I may have not known anyone in the mass shooting, I may not have known Christina Grimmie.
All I know, is each and every one of those victims, was a person. They had family's. Lives, personalities,  and now because of the act of someone else. They're lives were cut short.

I feel absolutely terrible, though I was not a victim, the thoughts of one act. Destroying the lives of so many, makes me hurt so deep inside. And makes me wonder by can't we all just get along, and,live out the rest of our lives in peace.( this brings me to something my boyfriend to once told me, "why can't we love each other the way God loves us?"
Unfortunately, what goes along with this thought, Is. It's because we are humans with free will. And some of us have done great things with this free will. Others. Have chosen to do, horrible terrible things.

I think, the scariest hing in the world, is man kind.
Wild animals, may seem like they do ruff and terrible things. But non kill each other he way humans do.

I will end this note now,
And again this is my belief, I am Christian if you are not. That's fine I don't shun you away. I have a ton of friends who don't believe the same I do. And that's okay. No need to go to war, over religious views.


Sincerely yours-Courtney

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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