Lets go

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Harry's POV
Today is the day, we leave London.
I'm excited, but...leaving London means getting up at an hour Nobody should be awake at.

But another down side is. Mia will also have to be awake, at an hour no one is awake at, as well.

"Mia Babe, Wake up" I whispered.

"Hmmm" She whined....I feel so bad for waking her at 3 am.

"I'm Sorry.. But we have to go on the plane now" I apologized.
Liam didn't want her to be asleep Until after we had gotten onto the plan.
"She'll freak out if wake up" he said
And I agree. It would scare her to wake up on a plane...but he's not the one who has to do it.

I also tried to tell him, between waking her up at 3 am,  taking her outside, bringing her through a crowded airport, she'll be Awake by the time we get on the plane, so it'd be better to just let her sleep.

She mumbled something that I Couldn't identify.
I sighed. And pulled the covers off. Making her Whine at the coldness.

"Mia. You have to get up now, angel"
She mumbled something else, and sat up... I'm pretty sure she said I was mean for waking her.
I helped her off the bunk. And she ran off, But not till after she glared at me for waking her. I laughed to myself, at her Sassy behavior...louis was all that came to mind.
I changed my clothes into something Casual, but Dressy.
And walked out into...the little kitchen area.

I Guess no one made breakfast...which means I have to.
Taylor and Sophia were the only ones who were staying with us for a little while. el and Perrie had to go.

"Morning " liam greeted.

"Morning" I replied. I looked over to see where mia was. She was sitting with sophia. I guess taylor hadn't got up yet.

"Ugh....morning comes too soon" Tay mumbled walking out. She was fully dressed. But her facial expression said sleep.

"Morning babe" I said kissing taylor on the cheek.

"Morning " she said kissing me back.

"Ew..." Mia mumbled. I had to hold in a laugh...she was just so dam adorable.

"Alright lads, we leave in ten minutes!" Paul yelled.

"Is Everything packed?" I asked. While grabbing a banana.

"Yeah, everything, but the smaller bags" Lou said.

"You Five ," Paul said leading me and the lads over.
"Fans found out about which airport your gonna be at, No signing Anything! We don't have the time" paul Commanded... And they say Liam's the dad

"Alright We have to go!" Someone else's yelled.

"Mia, you ready to go on the plane?" I questioned, I Don't think she really cared.
After getting everything packed, and out the door. We Left for the airport.


You could hear fans screaming, from the parking lot.
it was Crazy how they could find us so easily.
Mia didn't seem fazed about the noise, she's probably use to us screaming and yelling, whenever we watch football.

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