Chapter 3

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Heaven's Church was the first place I met Jesus. Even though I was alone my heart was in peace.

I saw a man coming towards me . He was wearing a white rob with a gold sash on his shoulder and He have a brown golden hair which reached his shoulder but I couldn't see his face because it was so light.

Then Jesus spoke to me and called me by my name"My daughter Ruth this is Heaven" then he smiled and said "I have a lot of things to show you " I followed him to where he took me. I can see his facial expression but I couldn't see his real face. He was telling me that he hears my prayer and that I asked for Heaven and Hell and so he answered my prayer.

We reached one place where there is a pond Jesus said " My daughter look at this, it is the living water which comes out from me". Then I looked the pond, instead of water it was filled with blood and I was so surprised seeing blood filled in a pond instead of water. The first thing I knew was maybe God showed me apart of the Red Sea which Moses happened. But Jesus knew every of my thoughts and explained to me "This is my blood to wash away all the sinner's sins, but see more than half of the living water remains, that means only few are washed by my blood." Then everything came so clear to me that many are left to be saved.
When I looked at the pond, the living water there was more than half of the blood. It seems like only a very little 1/5 may be leaking out to save the sinner's sins. Many people are left to be saved. Many people.
Luke 18:2 The harvest is abundant but labourers are few.

Then Jesus took me to another place again, he showed me that all kinds of creatures also exist in Heaven.  I saw elephant, tigers, deers and alot more. Then he showed me beautiful fishes with different colours and different designs swimming around us, they look like as if they came and dance around and praise Him. We talked for a few times that is to be kept private. 

I knew that there was no sun in Heaven but it was light and more brighter than our day lights there's no more night. And Jesus told me "We will be visiting Hell tomorrow,  for now you have to go back." I didn't want to leave that place anymore, I asked him to let me stay and I begged, but he send me back to my physically body.  And I was physically awakened and it was morning.

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