Chapter 9

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Then Jesus wiped his hand and another vision came out again.  Among a billion of people I saw Pastor who was standing among the left side , I saw him like as if he was high lighted and spotted out from a crowded place. I knew every of his life story and who he was and I was surprised to see Pastor being on the left side who belongs to Satan the devil not God. I asked Jesus "Lord that man was a Pastor but why did he stand there on the left side?" Then Jesus said "My daughter this man is a Pastor, but he is going to hell!" I watched in amazement and I asked "Why will he go to Hell ? He preaches your words and he teaches all about you on the Church and he is your follower. He speaks for salvation and he does your will." Then Jesus said "My daughter just because they are Pastor doesn't mean that they are going to Heaven. This man (he told me his name and where he was from) he knows everything about me very well more than anybody else. And he knows that he should repent and born angain in Christ but he did not. He was a fake preacher and a cheater on his lifetime. He only ran after money and gave more importance in money more than saving a lost soul. He was a Pastor and his outer life was only how people judged but nobody knows his inner life. He did lots of evil things and against God and he was not born again from sin. His sins were not washed by my blood, so he belongs to Hell."

I was shocked and then another group of women they were about eleven women he pointed them out. Those womens were the one I know them very well especially in Church. I was surprised to see them and I asked "Lord I knew these women they are important in Church and they are among the leaders but why are they on the left side too?" Then he pointed out and told me their names one by one and said "My daughter these women's are also going to hell. They pretend to be my faithful followers and worked for me but they are the fake workers, they are the fake preachers and they are the false witness of God. They teaches words that are made up by their own and they deceive many people , so they belong to hell."

Matthew 24:4-5 Be on your guard, and do not let anyone deceive you. Many men, claiming to speak for me, will come and say, I am Messiah! And they will deceive many people.

Matthew 24:10-13 'Many will give up their faith at that time ; they will betray one another and hate one another. Then many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Such will be spread of evil that many people's love will grow cold. But whoever holds out to the end will be saved.

And Jesus took me out of that place and took me to the galaxies. We were out of the Earth, neither Heaven nor Hell. The planet, stars, sun and moon were surrounding us it was so amazing. I knew that I can even breath very well without oxygen. Jesus said "My daughter look at the lines of the Earth." When I looked it was a straight line and I saw the Earth was at the bottom comparing like only a few centimetres left to be followed to complete the lines. And Jesus then said "My time is coming soon, my daughter I'm ready to come see the lines that the Earth follow it almost ended up. But my people are not yet ready. I will give them chance to repent and come back to me again." Then he drew a small line and joined with the lines of the Earth. "My daughter I am coming very soon. I love my people and everyone in the world. I have mercy and I blessed them and I still forgive them. I gave short time for salvation so that many of you may achieve the eternity life. Remember the Father doesn't want anyone to perish. Be prepared the time is near I am coming very soon."

Remember God is real and Heaven and Hell is also real. Thousands of people keep going to Hell everyday while very few go to Heaven. God still wants you as you are just talk to him. Pray and read the Holy Bible now is the right time for salvation. Please do not hesitate your life is too short while forever have no more endings. Heaven or Hell is up to you. Keep your faith in God and He will do the rest just run to him He still hear your prayer and He still want to forgive you.

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