Hard Times & Miracles

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Char's POV: Its a early Wednesday morning and i go in Isabella's room to wake her up 

me: hey baby wake up come down and eat something 

Isabella: i don't want to 

me: honey please don't start this again u gotta get up and eat

Isabella sat up in her bed and i saw tear stains on her cheeks 

me: oh baby... what's wrong ?!

Isabella: mom i'm never getting better am I ?

i dont respond i just hug her and she continues to cry... i hold on to my baby with my life i kiss her head 

me: come on baby lets just go eat 

we get up and walk out her room 

me: hold on a second 

i go to Jackson's room 

me: come on Jackson morning time wake up !

Jackson just rolls over 

me: Jackson come on buddy let's go eat 

i pick him up and he lays his head on my shoulder and i hold Isabella's hand we walk downstairs and Isabella sits down and i put Jackson in his chair before i made breakfast, Henry walked downstairs 

Henry: hey kids !

Isabella: hey dad 

Jackson still sleep 

he comes to me and i just give him a hug and cry my eyes out.... we move to the living room 


Henry: what's wrong 

me: our daughter Henry... she ask me if she was ever going to get better she was crying her eyes out all night. 

Henry just gives me a hug and he kisses my head

me: this is so hard for me 

Henry: it's hard for me to. do you think i want to see my daughter on oxygen tubes everyday and have to have help eating her food. I'm her father and i'm scared !

me: but you don't have to tell her every single day that she is going to get better..... because she's not she's getting worse..... she knows that she is never going to get better and i have to keep telling her lies to make her feel better!

i walk back to the kitchen and wipe my tear and i made breakfast and the kids ate i got Jackson 

we walked to the bus 

me: i love you baby be careful and show everyone how smart you are 

i kiss his cheek and i smile at him and watch his bus drive off .... i walk back in the house and Isabella was still at the table 

Isabella: mom ?

me: yes baby ?

Isabella: can i stay home 

me: why 

Isabella: i don't feel good 

before i could even say another word she ran to the kitchen sink and threw up 

me: oh god Isabella are u ok ?

Isabella wiped her mouth 

Isabella: yeah 

me: u can stay home just go up stairs i will be up there in a minute 

she walked up stairs and i took a breath we had to go back he tank is low anyway ugh i hate this 

i walk upstairs and help her get dressed i get dressed 

Henry: I'm going to work i love you 

me: i love you to Henry just please be careful 

Henry: i will 

he walks out kisses me and i get dressed

we get into the car and we go back to the hospital 

*2 hours later* 

Doctor: Mrs. Hart follow me please 

we walk together to Isabella's room she gets dressed in the gown and gets her iv and stuff in 

Doctor: ok were going to take some test and see if we need to switch medication.

me: ok sounds great 

*30 minutes* 

Doctor: Mrs. Hart can i talk to you ?

me: yeah 

i smile at her and let go of her hand and we walk outside 

Doctor: well first things first the medication worked she is fully healed she does need to be on breathing tubes for about another week then come back and we will take them out and see if she can breath on her own. but she will need to recover she will have a few pains but here is the prescription and she will be good in a month at the latest. 

me: thank you so much !

i hug him and he laughs 

i walk into the room and Isabella sees my smile 

Isabella: what's wrong mom ?

me: baby your all healed your not sick anymore !

i hugged her as she cried and smiled i kissed her cheek 

me: you all better now baby girl your all better 

we smiled and she laughed 

we got released later that day and she was skipping out to the car. i laughed and we drove home God answered our prayers my baby girl is healthy again !

we got some ice cream on the way home and when we got home she went to her room and changed into her pajamas we watched  movie and waited till Henry got home to tell him the great news. 

Henry walked in the door.... we decided to have Isabella eat whole foods and Henry would notice 

at dinner....

i put isabella's food in front of her and henry looked at me like i was crazy 

i laughed and we started eating she took a bite of her food and Henry pushed it out of her hands 


i laugh and she ate another piece and she was fine 

Henry: what's going on ?

me: we went to the doctors and she is all healed... she's not sick anymore 

Henry smiled and ran to hug isabella she laughed and she hugged henry back and we all smiled and thanked the lord that he answered our prayers... we couldn't be more grateful 

we were done and we cleaned up and we were in our room while the kids slept 

Henry: baby our baby is not sick anymore !!!

me: i know i'm so happy

we kissed and we hugged each other 

we both said at the same time: Finally 

we laughed and cuddles with each other and we fell asleep 


Hey guys thanks for reading ! hope you enjoyed it let me know what you think in the comments below and vote share and follow me if you enjoy this and want more ;) but i love you guys enjoy !

Sara ❤❤❤ 

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