Taking a breather........

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Henry's POV: I woke up to char litterly running around the house trying to get things for the kids i stopped her for a second

me: char baby why are u running ?

Char: Jackson forgot his backpack and Isabella needs her shoes

me: well they have legs let them go get their stuff

char: Henry?! i got it 

she ran upstairs and she came back down Isabella put on her shoes and char gave Jackson his backpack 

char walked him outside 

Charlotte's POV: me and Jackson walk out side and say goodbye he gets on the bus and i walk back inside and sit down at the table to take a breather 

Henry: u ok ?

me: yeah fine just need a break you know 

Henry: oh yeah i know 

we sat for a second and i got up 

me: well go to work your stuff is on the counter i love you 

as i was running upstairs to get Isabella

Henry: I love you to 

he walked out and i got Isabella all ready to go and we drove to school

me: i love you daughter

Isabella: i love u too mom...... sorry i was giving you a hard time when i was sick

me: aww baby it's ok I understand u were just as fustrated that you weren't getting better. go before you are late 

she smiled and ran inside i went to work 

*5 hours later*

me: i couldn't pick up the kids i was so tired 

i called henry

me: hey can u pick up the kids please

Henry: yeah sure 

me: ok bye 

Henry: bye 

i drove home and completely fell out on my bed i was that tired. Henry walked in the kids 

i groaned and tried to sleep a little more but right when i tried Henry came in

Henry: hey babe can u come down for a second 

me: whyy I don't want to honestly 

Henry: u don't have a choice either come down on the ground or not 

me: ughhh 

he picked up me 

Me: HENRY ?! i just want to sleep

we get downstair and the kids are laughing at us he puts me down and they sit beside me 

Henry: ok kiddo and mommy of kiddo's well i think we all deserve a break shall we i have planned this trip since before Jackson was born. we are going to....... Disney World !

the kids screamed and was freaking out like they were on a Sugar rush i smiled too 

Henry: OK we leave tomorrow right around this time so get some sleep !

they race each other up the stairs and go to there rooms i'm still on the couch 

Henry: isn't this great

me: yeah for the kids... i on the other hand i still have to take care of them i'm so tired everyday Henry it's not even funny 

Henry: i made this trip for you so you can relax because i see you stressed every morning 

Me: well that's the joy in having kids 

Henry: yep and since you take care of them all the time it's my turn at Disney world i will take care of them the whole time while you relax and just have fun 

Me: mmmmm.......... OK i guess 

he smiles and kisses my cheek i get up and make dinner 


they come downstairs and sit down and eat we talk about our day and we are laughing and giggling..... I'm not stressed playing with the kids they are my happy place my realxing spot. and i can't wait to do so much more with them on this trip. dinner was done and we cleaned our areas off *jackson tried* and we all went upstairs 

*10 minutes later* 

i got to Isabella's room she's reading 

me: hey baby girl 

Isabella: hey mom what's up 

me: just tired 

Isabella: tell me about it 

i laugh and kiss her on the head 

me: get your beauty sleep i love you 

Isabella: i love you more !

i close her door and go to Jackson's room 

me: hey buddy 

Jackson giggles 

me: OK get some rest so you can have fun tomorrow on the trip !

he smiles 

Jackson: night mommy 

me: goodnight Jackson i love you 

Jackson luv you too 

i smile and close his door i go to my room and Henry is on his Ipad

me: do i need to give you a chat to before you go to bed

Henry: maybe 

i roll my eyes 

me: ok get you're beauty sleep so you can have fun tomorrow 

Henry laughs and picks me up and pus me on the bed to were he is on top of me 

Henry: i love you and i want this trip to be relaxing as possible because you deserve all the relaxation you can get 

me: well thank u 

Henry: anytime 

he kisses me and gets off to go to sleep i get to my side and i like pass out..... ahh comfy beds don't they help so much when your so tired. 

even though i am a adult i can't wait to go to Disney world i shut my eyes and go to sleep. 


Hey Guys thanks for reading this *NEW* update ❤ hope you like it make sure you follow me if you haven't for more updates and future books ;) and like share comment and vote ❤ last time i cheaked we are at 175 reads on this book !!! we haven't even hit 3 weeks yet and we got that many im so happy you guys..... so thank you ❤❤❤❤❤❤ i really appreciate it :) so hey lets get to 1k in a month ;) i think that's possible right ?! well enjoy this update and see you guys tomorrow love you all ❤😍✌


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