Finding the Right Time

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*2 weeks later* 

Char's POV: Ever since the chat we had on that night about another baby it's just never popped up again were too busy to even try to start having kids again when we come home were both extremely tired and weekends Henry is with Jackson doing Baseball and me and Isabella are at cheer practice.. uhh kids get in the way of having more kids

*that morning*

Henry POV: It's Saturday morning and i hear Jackson moving around i get up and kiss char's head 

*Jackson's Room*

me: hey bud 

Jackson: hey !

me: how are you did you sleep well 

Jackson: yeah ! 

me: good come on lets get ready for baseball practice ok 

Jackson: OK !

he jumps out of bed and gets ready while i also get ready i look at char and kinda feel sad... it's been 2 weeks since we talked about kids and we just never got the chance to try and i see it everyday how much she wants another baby *sigh* ugh 

i go up to her and kiss her nose she smiles 

char: Henry back up your in my face

me: i know 

Char laughs and turns over 

me: give me a kiss me and Jackson have to go 

char turns back around and gives me a peak 

me: WOW THAT'S IT ?! no i love you good morning

char just laughs i cup her face in my hands and give her the best "were going to have kids soon kiss" *if that's a kiss ??* 

char: i know 

we smile and i leave with Jackson 


Hey guys !

thanks for reading today's chapter there will be one coming out again in about an hour sorry so late but at least i did it right ?! 

do you think that the reason why they don't have time is because it's not meant to be ??


do you think they will have another baby just a matter of planning ???

tell me what you think in the comments below ❤❤❤😏 like always share like and vote ;) 

love you guys bye ;) 

Sara ❤😏

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