True 100% Honesty

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Hey ! 

this is not a chapter but i just wanted to share something that i have been seeing a lot. 

ok so i update chapters right ?! and i get all excited ready to see what you guys are going to say about it and then when i look about 20 minutes later i see you guys just voted on it. and read it. i mean don't get me wrong i love seeing that u guys read it and like it but sometimes in my chapters i would like to see what you guys think about it. 

i started making sneak peaks just to see what you guys would say and u guys still just vote on it.... i love u guys and i would truly do anything for u guys but the whole reason i started making books and chapters is to see what u guys think about it... i don't want to continue to write chapter and books if u guys just vote on it... that makes me feel like u guys don't like it. 

and when i write something in my closing little paragraph i ask u guys a question every single day and i don't get a response. :/ i wouldn't mind answering any questions u guys have.. im on here all the time if u need me. and for the people who do comment THANK YOU !!!! i love reading what you guys say it really makes my day ;) everyone has commented on at least one of my chapters in all of my books but not in my recent chapters... that just concerns me a little. so i say all of this just to say 

that if u need someone to talk to please don't hesitate to talk to me.... im here for each and every one of you because all of you have helped me in some way to getting me to where i am now. i love you guys truly and let me know in the comments if u need anything and if u don't need anything just say "im good" or im ok 

luv u guys and enjoy 

Sara ;) 

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