The Time has come !

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Henry's POV: we finally tried ! i don't know if char is excited but i am i think she's pregnant honestly it's been about 4 days so we will see i want to call my mom 


mom: hello ?

me: hey mom 

mom: yeah what's up 

me: me and char have been talking about how we want another baby and we never really had the time to and that really bummed both of us out and about 4 days ago we tried and i think char's pregnant

mom: really ?

me: yeah 

mom: well ask her how does she feel and have her cheak 

me: ok 

mom: call me back if it's a yes

me: ok bye 

mom: bye 

i hung up and char was folding clothes i sneaked up behind her... and scared her 

char: HENRY !!!!

i just laughed my head off 

char: that's not funny i hate being scared and you know that !

me: yeah just had some fun 

char: have fun some other way but not scaring me damn scare the kids 

me: nah they won't sleep if i scare them 

char: well then that's your fault and you would have to stay up with them too 

i laughed and wrapped my arms around her waist and put my head on her shoulder 

me: i love you 

char: i love you too 

i kissed her cheek and she smiled 

me: hey 

char: what

me: have you cheaked to see 

char: no i actually haven't 

me: well lets find out !

char: ok how about this you go to the store and get 3 and come back and i will take them 

me: ok perfect be back in 5 

char: ok 

i let go and run to the store *drive* i get back with 3 test 

me: *out of breath* here you go !

char just laughs and goes to the bathroom 

char: your lucky i have to actually use the bathroom 

when char comes out she took 3 test and left them on the counter she walked out

me: well 

char: i don't know well see in a few minutes

we took a deep breath and walked in instantly char screamed and feel to the floor smiling and crying i look and they are all positive and they are like a solid 2 pink lines 

me: YESSS !!!

char laughed i picked her up and kissed her 

me: baby your pregnant 

char: omg i know and there like solid 2 lines like i peaked and i could see that it was positive 

me: i'm so happy 

char: me too 

i wipe some of the happy tears off her eyes and kiss her she lets go 

char: what are we going to tell the kids 

me: i have the best idea  

i smiled at her and i think she knew what i was thinking............. it will be memory the kids will never forget and i have the perfect way of telling them 


Hey guys !

thanks for reading this book is ending TOMORROW !!!  I know it's sad but all good things must come to an end well good news you guys will have another book to look forward too and i have giving it alot of thinking to it and i think you guys will like this book better than all of them combined ;) 

In the comments tell me what is your favorite book 

Henry & Charlotte

Mr. & Mrs. Hart 

The Hart Family 

my new book will be out tomorrow !!! im so excited for you guys to cheak it out i love it and i think your going to love it too but :) like always share comment follow me if your a new birdie :) and vote !! love you guys and byeeeeee

Sara :) ❤

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