Finding Henry

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Char's POV: the line went dead

me: shoot

i started freaking out having all these thoughts in my head

what if he got shot ?

what if he died

what if he got stabbed 

that's all i could think about and i had to go look for him i went to the kids room trying to act normal and not like there father is mysteriously gone or taken i went to Jackson first 

me: Hey baby come on time to get up were going to grandma's house 

Jackson is still in his sleepy phase so i get him up and dressed and i go to Isabella

me: Hey baby girl how are u ?

Isabella: much better today thanks mom 

me: no problem ok your going to grandma's house for a bit 

she got up by herself and got dressed and brushed her teeth with out me...... i can't believe my babies are growing up before my eyes god makes me want to have another kid.... oh lawrd not right now.... so we get in the car and drive to Henry's mom's house 

me: Hey Mrs. Hart

ms: hey baby girl how are u 

me: good can u watch the kids for a couple of hours ?

ms: uhh im about to leave but piper can if u don't mind 

me: perfect thank u !

ms: everything ok 

me: yeah me and henry are going to hang out 

ms: aww that's nice have fun 

me: thanks 

i leave and drive to i don't know where but i need to find Henry i try calling him again and he actually answered 

Henry: hello


Henry: im in a old warehouse remember OMG ??? go there gotta go 

me: ok 

i hung up and drove as fast as i could to the old maple grill and saw Henry with bruises on his face i got pissed i busted open the door and there were 3 older men running toward me 

i tazed one of them and punched the crap out of the other 2 i ran to henry and carried him to the car and drove as fast as i could back home 

when we got home i put him on the couch and i looked to see if they were following and they weren't thank god 

so i went back to henry 

me: baby are u ok what happend 

Henry: the minute we talk about the little girl she woke up and attacked me 

me: see i knew she had to have a connection 

Henry: yeah that was his daughter 

me: HA ! what did i say......... ok now we do not open doors for strangers we don't know agreed 

Henry: agreed 

i go and get some stuff for his face and clean him up..... while im cleaning him up 

Henry: hey char

me: yeah 

Henry: i love u 

me: i love u too 

we kiss and i let go 

me: i look at our kids and think how we have had a wonderful 7 and 6 years with Isabella and Jackson.... and i want another baby 

Henry looked at me with shock 

Henry: really ?

me: yeah 

Henry: i want another baby too 

i smile 

me: not right now.... because it only takes one time to get pregnant but maybe when your all healed 

Henry: sounds like a deal Mrs. Hart 

i laugh 

Henry: where are the kids anyway

me: with piper 

Henry: ok good making sure 

i laugh and we sat next to each other and watched a movie 


Hey guys thanks for reading ;)  I have thought alot about this and i'm stopping my sneak peaks.... i know i know don't hate me but i have good news on top of the bad news.... i'm replacing the sneak peaks with a full chapter !!!!! so 2 chapters a day ;) how awesome is that...... see told u it would get better ;) but hope you enjoyed and like always share comment on what you think ! and vote ;) thanks and see u tomorrow ;)


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