Two Years Since Then

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Bonnie's POV

It's been two years since Foxy has been gone. Since they took him away. I don't know what happened but after Foxy left I felt like my heart just broke. I've been confined in solitude for the entire two years. Freddy and Chica always came to check up on me but I always turned them away. My body was becoming fragile so it was easier for it to break apart. I remember tripping over something and falling face flat. My entire face ripped off. I was lost in my own thoughts until someone knocked on the door rapidly.





I walked over to the door still tripping over some stuff. I opened the door only to shut it instantly.

"Why is he here?!! What does he want?!!"

"Bonnie, It's alright. They're done with the experiments on Foxy. They'll bring him out right now."

He's finally back but why am I hiding. I was confined in solitude for so long I think it started to become a major habit of mine. 



I slammed open the door to my room and stormed towards the front door.

"Well, I see someone's finally out of his--- WOAH!! What happened?"

"I......uh tripped and slammed face flat on the floor."

"We've got to fix you."

"Not right now. Foxy's arriving."

As soon as I said that I saw the man again this time carrying a red headed fox. Both Chica and Freddy were excited but I wonder if he'd remember me. It's been so long. I couldn't get Foxy out of my head for two years. 

"Alright. You've just got to put him in a bed and let him rest till he wakes up."

I watched as he set Foxy down in my arms. I sighed and just walked towards his room. I set down the lifeless Foxy on his bed. I look over to see if he's actually still working. I then shrug and walk away. 

"Alright, Chica and Bonnie, get ready for the night guard to come. Bonnie, come with me."

I follow Freddy to the storage room.

"What are we doing here?"

"Were going to fix you. Here we go."

I stare at the new Bonnie head and I sit down. The last thing I remember is Freddy walking over to me with a screw driver. The next thing I know is that I have a new face. 

"Thanks Freddy."

"No problem."

I walk over towards the stage and just stand at the bottom.

"Bonnie aren't you going to sleep?"

"Nah. I'll keep an eye on the fox but I'll be back by 11:55."


I walk towards where Foxy was and sit against the wall. I look up at the lifeless Foxy and then back at the ground. All the memories of him instantly come running into me. All my thoughts are rushing through my memory till I hear Foxy move. I look up and see Foxy sitting up.



I jump instantly into Foxy's arms. I instantly jump off. What was I thinking? Why do I feel this way?

"Uh sorry."

"Its alr---"

I instantly cut him off by leaving. I see Freddy and Chica on stage and I join them. I quickly glance at the clock. 11:50. I have more time.

Foxy's POV

I watch as the purple haired boy walks away. I feel like he's someone special to me. Someone I'm meant to be with. Why do I feel like that? The weird thing is I can't remember ever meeting him at all.

To Be Continued..............

(AN: Sorry its short)

Foxy x Bonnie (Fonnie)Where stories live. Discover now