Foxy's Show

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Bonnie's POV

I woke up to a heavy weight on my body. I tried sitting up but the weight kept pinning me down. I looked to my right to see Foxy sleeping next to me. What the heck happened last night? I kept thinking till it suddenly occurred in my head and I blushed. Oh yeah.

"Hm. Bonnie?"

"Haha......hi Foxy!!"

I then turned my head to hide my embarrassment. I felt a cool wind in my ear before something bit my ear. I yelped and Foxy was laying there with a huge grin.

"Remember last night Bonnie~?"

I started blushing more than I already was. I didn't say anything. I just slowly nodded. It was creepy but also...........interesting.

"Wanna go again tonight~?"

"Sorry but tonight the guard is on duty."

"Come on Bonnie~."

"Hold your horses Foxy. I have to entertain the kids but I promise I'll make time for you before the night guard arrives."

"You better~."

I instantly got into my uniform still blushing about what happened and said goodbye before leaving. I walked up towards where the stage was and rushed onto the stage. Chica was sitting on the edge of the stage as Freddy got out of his room and onto the stage. It was silent in my mind till something clicked.

"Hey Freddy."

Freddy looked towards me.


"Could we please start out Foxy's show again?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. We'll put bars around it this time to make it seem like he's actually in a pirate ship."

"That sounds cool. We have 3 hours before the kids show up so you have time."


I wanted it to be a surprise to Foxy as a gift. I quietly set up wooden planks around his stage and painted it quickly. Surprisingly the paint dried up quicker than I thought. I looked over at Freddy.

"How much more time?"

"About 30 minutes."


I kept adding things like skulls and plants around it and then entered Pirate's Cove.



I looked over to the hammock he usually slept on. Why was he still on the hammock?

"You still tired?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I need you to stand right here and stay here till we announce you."

"Wait what?"

Before I could answer again I left.

Foxy's POV

Of course like Bonnie said I'm standing right here until they 'announce' me. What did he mean by that? I then heard the cheers of the children as they barged into the pizzeria and run to the stage.

"Hello everybody. Welcome to Freddy Fazzbears Pizzeria."

I heard laughs of children and them play songs for what seemed like forever till I heard something so familiar that I hadn't heard in a long time.

"Hey kids. Do you like pirates?"


"Bonnie!! Hey Bonnie!!"

"Yeah Chica?"

"Have you heard of the pirate living at Pirate's Cove?"

"WHAT?!! A PIRATE?!!!"

"SSSSHHHH!!!!! Quiet down!!"

"Sorry but what about this pirate?"

"I heard he's going to tell a story!! Lets go check it out!!"


"Everyone, say hello to Foxy The Pirate!!"

The curtains suddenly opened and I just stood like a complete idiot. I then realized I had to do something so I started my lines.

"Ahoy me mates!!! Why don't ye stop being landlubbers and join me on me ship!!!!"

I saw as multiple people joined me on the ship. I saw the worried looks on Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie's eyes but I assured them by smiling. I was standing but then I went to sit down.

"How about me tell ye a story!!"


"This story be about Dead Man's Cove!!! It be a dark and scary night. Me and me crew were cruising the sea. We looked all around for booty but none appeared. One of me crew suddenly yelled, "LAND AHOY!!!". Me and me crew steered the boat towards the land till we came across a cave."

I was enjoying telling this story once again after waiting for almost an eternity. I have to thank whoever gave me this chance again. After my story was done, I told them to "Hurry back to the stage me mates!! See ye again!!". The curtain's soon closed after that and I was tired from all the talking. I was really tired too so I fell asleep. I was soon awakened by a familiar voice and face.

"Hey Bonnie!"

"Hey. Liked your show today."

"Thanks. Do you know who allowed me to do another show?"


"Bonnie, you okay?"

"Yeah. I........uh....."

"You what?"

"I was the one that asked Freddy if you could do another show. He said yes so I went ahead and built the stage farther out."

I was surprised but also happy at what he said. He built the stage? Thats so like Bonnie to do that. He's too kind and caring to even think about hurting a fly. Well then again when he went insane thats not Bonnie but the real Bonnie would never even think about it. I instinctively hugged Bonnie and kissed him on the lips.

"Your the best Bonnie."


I just kissed him again.

"Alright. The night guard is going to arrive in 3 hours so you have all my time for 3 whole hours. What do you wanna do?"

"How about we just sleep cause you seem like you could fall asleep at a drop of a hat. I mean you just started with your show schedule again so you need the rest."


I let Bonnie get into the hammock first before I got in. Bonnie sometimes slowly turned and every time he did, I hugged him and he'd stop. He is so cute!!! I finally was able to fall asleep. I was awoken by the ringing of the phone call. Oh crap!!!

"Bonnie." I whispered not to make a sound.




"Its already time. Make your way to the stage."


I watched him stumble towards the stage till I heard his camera click. He just stood there not knowing what to do and his camera was still on him. I had to think fast.

"Da da dum dum dum dum dum da da dum dum dum."

I popped my head out and as soon as that happened my camera clicked. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Bonnie mouthing 'thanks'. I stayed in my spot for 3 camera checks and then made a run for it. I was speeding through the pizzeria and made my way halfway to the door. I was running at an open door till It shut quickly. I banged on the door till I just gave up. I can't wait till 6 cause then I get to cuddle with Bonnie again!!!

To Be Continued............... 

Foxy x Bonnie (Fonnie)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz