Ch. 9.... Old Tales

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Chapter 9.... Old Tales


Bailey woke up and I sent her to Scott so she wasn't hear while I sat there in a chair as Peter drew his claws. He hesitated then said "Derek I don't think I can do this" Peter said. "Why" "because" he said mad "because why" "because I'm the one who took it away from you". I looked at him confused and mad at the same time "it was destroying you".

I stood up and started to walk away "where are you going" "to get my memory back" "and how are you going to do that" Peter asked. "The same way Isaac" did I said turning around "I want in" I heard someone say and turned around to see Bailey standing in the doorway. "I want to remember too" she said I sighed "fine lets go" we walked out going to Dr. Deaton.


We walked in and there stood Scott, Allison, and Isaac "okay you should know that with a human you" Dr. Deaton started but I stopped him. I know my chances and I'm willing to take it. He sighed "okay you need someone who knows you the best to hold you down but also someone that can poll you out". "Scott" Derek said "no actually Derek you get Issac" Derek looked at him "what" "Star you get Scott, but Allison you have to help Issac hold Derek".

We both looked at the ice water and hesitantly got in, it was freezing and we both looked at each other and took a deep breath. "Are you sure you want to do this" Dr. Deaton asked us as we both nodded our heads yes and Isaac pushed Derek while Scott pushed me under. I closed my eyes and then just like that the cold hit me and my eyes swung open as I struggled to get out. I clung to the side of the tub while Scott held me down. "I need help" I heard him say as he tried to hold me down I felt two more hands hold me down then everything went black.


I walked into Derek's place and saw Cora "hey were is everyone" Cora asked me "there at the vets something is going on" I said. "They're getting their memories back" I looked over and saw Peter. "What is going on with Derek and Bailey" I asked "wait you don't know" "know what" I asked "about their past, Scott didn't fill you in" Peter asked. "No what happen" Peter sighed sitting down as Cora and I joined him.

"When Derek was a wolf at one point he thought that he could never fall in love because he thought that anyone who could love him would hate him or be scared of him when they found out". He stared off "but one day he ran into this girl and just looked into her eyes and knew that he found the one he started to really like her. One day he was walking home and saw her walking alone so he walked her home and that's when it all started".

"Wait how do you know all of this" I asked him "because I wasn't just Derek's uncle I was also his best friend. Anyway Derek and her started dating and he was always, in the back of his mind, scared that she would find out so I decided that he should turn her. Bad idea". I looked at him "what do you mean" "he became more into the idea of turning her but he couldn't do it. So he asked someone else to do it for him but at the last second Derek decided no and went to save her and he did but showed her what he was".

"So she ran off, what happen" Cora asked "she didn't care but he did so he found a witch and made her forget all of it. From bumping into him, to seeing him turn into what he was, but after a few days it killed him that he would live his life looking at someone he loved and not have her know it". He sighed "I couldn't watch him do this to himself so I made him forget" "wait what does this have to do with Bailey" I asked Peter. "Because she" Peter started but Cora finished "because the girl in the story is her, its Bailey" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Peter left shortly after "what's with the look" Cora asked me "what look" "that look the one that makes me want to punch you in the face". "Ya your Derek's sister all right, its just I don't believe him I mean how could Bailey have done all of that and not have us know". I sighed "we've been friends since we were kids and she's never really been out of our sight". "So what do you think" Cora asked me "I think he's wrong and Bailey isn't the girl, its someone else" "and if you're wrong" I sighed again "then Bailey has more to tell them what she's telling us".

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