Cleaning Lady

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I sat on the hotel bed, typing away at my computer. "Testing, testing." I say. "Nightshade, report in. How's the destruction going?" I stair at the computer screen, watching from a security camera as Nightshade walks towards a guard. "The weather is very nice today. Maybe I shouldn't have brought this coat after all." She has to speak in coda because there are people all around her. She's in.

"Chameleon, what's your status?" I ask, switching to another screen. This one is all blurry. "I think I saw a couple of bugs around here." She says. This means she's set the cameras around the room and the listening devices. I type a few keys and the screen switches to form six boxes, all showing a different part of the museum. "Good job, chameleon." I say. All is going as planned so far.

"Palm reader, what can you tell me?" I ask, looking through the screens to see if I can find her. "The tours a little bland, but that guard sneezed when he smelled my spring perfume." In other words, the guard has hey fever. "Nightshade, you catch that?" I ask. "I wonder if the tour's any good." She heard.

"Cherry bomb, how is the draft?" I ask. I here her move around in the air vents. "A little dusty, but I have a nice view." She sees the target and is undetected. "Okay, firecracker, how's the van?" I ask. "I just parked and luckily avoided a ticket." She says. She's in possession, but there's a cop near by. This might get a little trickier if things go wrong. "Okay, stand by. If anything happens, report in." I look out the window and have a perfect view of the museum and the key. We're almost there. I look around the room. The tv's on to keep away prying ears and I have what looks to be a simple lap top with me, but in truth this is a super computer.

I start to type away when I heat something. "And now we're black to gravity falls." My head shot up. No, it can't be. But it is! The last episode of gravity falls! I have been waiting for this so long. I forgot it came out! I was so busy planning this I forgot all about the most important event on disney channel in years. I start to jump up and down. It's here! It's finally here. "Tinkerer, you there?" I hear the voice in my ear. "Yeah, yeah. I'm still here." I say, but my full attention is now fully on the tv screen. Right now it's taking about all the events leading up to this. My senses are on high alert. Finally, after all this wait, we would know.

Just as it turns to the commercials, there's a knock at the door. It creeks open. "Hello?" I hear someone deep voice call. I turn to the door and can't believe what I see. "Hi, I will be your cleaning lady today." He says with a charming smile. My 'cleaning lady' is a broad shoulder guy, about my she, with jet black hair and brown, almost reddish eyes. Oh, and he is completely, undeniably handsome. He stands with a confident air about him. The only thing off about this picture is his cloths. Oh yeah, he's wearing a full on cleaning lady out fit. Black pants and shirt, a frilly apron, and even a hat with pace on it. I'd have laughed if I weren't so baffled that there was a extremely handsome man in my room.

I never realized a cleaning lady could be a man. At least not one that looks like that, but I guess even a guy who looks like that need to feed themselves, I guess. He looks shocked to see me, but snaps out of it quickly. "If you don't mind, I'll start to- oh my gosh, is that gravity falls!" His eyes widen. I nod my head. The episode had just started and I feel my attention start to wonder from him to the tv. My cleaning lady walks over to the bed and sits down as if he owns the place, starring at the screen as intently as I do.

"I've been waiting for this so long." He whispers. I can only nod my head as I watch the screen. I don't know how much time had passed, but we just sit there, watching as they build the house. When it comes into full view and I can see it, I jump up and holler. "Woo hoo!" My cleaning lady cheers with the same amount of enthusiasm as me. I grab a handful of popcorn and shove it in my mouth, then offer my cleaning lady some. "Don't mind if I do." He says, and we both keep watching the show and eating the popcorn.

I feel a tear fall down my cheek when Stan no longer remembers anything. At the end, we both find our selves laughing our heads off. I'll admit, there were some tears shed, but not just from me. After the show I take a shaky breath. It was over. Gravity Falls was over. What do I do with my life now that it's meaning is completely gone? "Hello? Hello?!" I hear through the ear piece, but it seems so far away. Gravity falls is gone. It ended. How could it just end like that? It was good and all, but-

"Tinkerer!" I jump at the voice in my ear. I had completely forgot about the heist. "We need you, like, right now!" I turn to the cleaning lady, afraid he heard the yelling. Luckily his attention is still on the screen. "Um, excuse me Mr. . ." He waves his hand. "Just call me cleaning lady." He says.

"Okay, cleaning lady. Well, I, um, you know. Busy me, I mean- I was wondering, well, I mean, you know." He raises an eyebrow at me. "You want me to leave?" I let out a sigh and nod, happy I don't have to speak anymore. "No problem. I'll be back later." I nod once again. He gets up and stretches, making my jaw drop when I see his muscles. He gifts me with another one of his smiles, and as my luck would have it, I fall off the bed. For no reason, I just fall off my bed and sprawl on the floor.

"Are you okay?" He ask, and I feel my face instantly heat. "Yeah, uh, I, like, meant to do that." I say with a nervous laugh. Could this get any more embarrassing? "Okay, well, I'll leave you to it." He says then leaves the room. I let out a sigh, happy it's all over. I get back onto the bed and look out side. My eyes widen. Red warning lights are flashing in the museum. I put my hand to my ear, but my ear piece is gone. I frantically scramble around and find it lying on the ground. I put it in my ear and wince at the volume.
"Okay, what's happening?" I ask. "Oh, so now you decide to grace us with your presence? Where were you?"

I grab my laptop and place it on my lap. "I had my own little crises to deal with." I say weakly. "Oh, is that so. Well sorry to interrupt, but we are having our own problems." This came from nightshade. "Well, what happened?" I ask, looking through the screens hoping to spot them. It was utter chaos. "The ruby key had been stolen." Cherry bomb says. "Well I know that." I say.

"No, not by us. It was already gone."

I almost fall off the bed once again. "What? Where are you guys?" How could this be happening? Who could have pulled it off right under our noses? "We're all hear in the car. All except chameleon. She still hasn't been spotted." I look through the screens, desperately trying to find her.
There! "She's at the east exit. She needs picked up right now. There are big guards coming right behind her." I watch from a video camera as a grey mini van pulls up in front of her and she jumps in. The mini van screeches away down the street, leaving the guards behind. I let out a sigh. We had almost been caught. "You are so dead when we get back."

I guess all of us didn't quite escape.

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