Two Teams, Two Battles

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I stair at the silver scissors clutched in my hand. It is so tempting, just one little snip and I could end this torment. I could be free at last. I lift them up to my neck. One snip, that's all it would take. I could do this. I close my eyes, take a deep breath and-

"Ruby Johns, don't you DARE cut your hair!!!" My eyes fly open and I stare across the room, where stands none other then Nightshade herself. "You can't stop me!" I yell back. "I've made up my mind. I'm done, I can't take this any longer!" Nightshade holds her hands up and approaches me slowly, as if I were some scared horse. "Now, now. Let's think about this for a moment." I shake my head, backing away as she continues to approach me. I look her straight in the eyes, showing how serious I am at this moment. She stairs at me, then opens her mouth. I thought she was going to bribe me or give me another prep talk, but instead she shouts the two words of my impending doom.

"Get her!"

I hear a battle cry behind me and duck just in time, Firecracker sailing over my head and crashing onto the floor. Hey, I may be an awkward nerd, but I have had training, ya know.

I jump to the side and clutch the scissors. I'm surrounded, my exits now blocked by the team. I try to figure out the best way of escape and a plan pops into my head. An insane plan, but one that might just work. I start the fight.
I raise the scissors to my hair, and the bait works. The girls come lunging at me all at once, and I let my training kick in. I volt over one if my teammates and kick off her on the other side, sending her crashing into my other two attackers. They all go crashing to the floor in a large heap and I turn to face the only girl now standing in my way. Nightshade. Let me tell ya, I'm doomed.

She smirks. Yep, doomed it is. I was just about to give up when I hear running behind me. Just as the person is almost right in top of me, her figures barely grazing my shirt, I fall to the ground in a crouch and shoot my leg out, catching her legs and sending her crashing to the floor, nightshade trapped under her. I do a little dance, but notice someone else charging me. I squeak in fear, my earlier victories forgotten, and run.

I go rushing towards the door and have to jump over our large couch and a chair. The girl chasing me wasn't so lucky. She made it over the couch, but I hear her fall down with a loud bang, tripping over the chair and sending them both crashing to the ground. I make it to the door and grab a handful of my hair and hold the scissors up to it, ready to snip. I turn around and look at the mayhem I caused. They are all on the ground, chairs tipped over and papers flying everywhere. All the girls freeze and stare.
"You can't stop me!" I yell, a insane smile on my face. I had done it. I actually won. All their eyes widen and they tense. At first I thought it was because of me, but then I hear a deep chuckle behind me. My back stiffness as I here a much too familiar deep voice speak directly behind me. "Well, that would be a waste." I stand there, almost shaking. He was so close that I could feel his body heat on my back, his breath raffling my hair. I slowly turn around and there stands my cleaning lady. On my door step. Wearing jeans and a grey t-shirt. Oh, and also with four other guys standing behind him. Recognition, then confusion shoot through his dark eyes. His mouth hangs partway open, his eyes glued on me, turning shocked. I feel a whimper escape my lips. I don't like people, okay. I get nervous and figity around them most of the time, but these were large males. And I vaguely notice that they aren't that bad looking either. We stand there, both teams frozen. Finally, a small plea leave my lips.

"Nightshade!" I try to shout, but it comes out as a rasp. But some how, she heard it. They all did. And as one, my team stand to protect me like I'm a weak little child. And by protect, I mean attach the intruders.

I'm pushed back, by my team or the intruders, I don't know. It all happened so fast. One moment we were in compete silence, the next the girls are beating the guys up. They got some good punches in, and I think I even saw this black haired guy tossed high in the air and over the couch, but their shock of being attacked by girls quickly died down. They start to defend themselves, then even fight back.

I don't know what to do except what I do best. Hide. I scoot behind the table and watch the battle from behind, a safe distance away. Cherry bomb's nose is gushing out blood, but she has a blond guy in a head lock. A big brought is holding off the combined attacks of firecracker and Palm reader, and I can't really tell who's winning. Chameleon is currently having what looks like an intense starring contest with the scrawny guy who had been tossed behind the couch. Nightshade is nowhere in sight, while cleaning lady stands in the door way, his hands in his pockets and watching the war going in before him like it was just your normal, average day.

The tides start to turn in the intruders favour, and I have an idea. If I could make it to the far wall, I could activate the house security. Hey, I had a lot of spare time lately. Don't judge. The only problem is its right in clear view. I have a pretty good idea that if I go for it, cleaning lady would stop me. I didn't have much chance against him. For one, he's big and muscular and looks like he knows what he's doing. Two, with anyone else but the team I would fall on my face the moment I stepped in front of them. Just my luck.

Glancing around, I finally notice Nightshade. She's crouching behind a chair waiting for a moment to pounce. Grabbing her attention, I give her a signal. She nods, understanding. I needed a distraction, and she was literally the expert on the subject.

She steps out and walks up to the big guy who had previously been fending off Firecracker and Palm reader's attacks. Both our teammates back up when they see Nightshade, and she saunters up to him, a sweet, innocent smile on her face. I see the guys expression, first confusion, but then he starts to return the his own smile, as if greeting her. That was before she stomping on his foot. Hard. With her high heels.

He yells in pain and as reflexes go, he tries to defend himself. His arm goes flying through the air and catches nightshade in the side of the face and she goes flying back. Literally. She crashes into the couch and rolls off, falling to the floor and clutching her face. Every one stops as her body shakes with what appears to be sobs. The guy who had hit her stairs at her in horror, then at his hands and back at her. Even cleaning lady, who had been cool and composed this whole time, now stands rigid and staring with wide, concerned eyes. This is the same reaction all the guys showed. We like to call it the 'damsel in distress' reaction. One of Nightshade's specialties.

As the guys are distracted, I sneak towards the wall and right as I reach it, Nightshade looks up. There is no red mark on her face, no tears or even sad eyes. No, her eyes are a flame as she smiles cruelly at them, her body is shaking from laughter instead of tears. Before the guys can recover, I bang on the wall where I know the emergency system activation is. The entire house seems to roar to life, gears spinning and loud snapping sounds all around. That's when the defence mechanism turns on. That's when we win.

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